Simple steps: Ethics continuing education
If it is time for you to receive your ethics continuing education credits, there a few different factors you need to consider. Read on to learn more.
Saving time and money may be at the top of your list when it comes to your ethics continuing education. There are a multitude of options out there these days to help you do both. More and more saving time is essential when approaching enrollment for your continuing education. However,

you can’t cut corners and need to make sure that saving time doesn’t mean enrolling in a course that lacks quality.
There are so many websites and online programs that provide ethics continuing education units. Make sure the one you choose has an established reputation for providing top quality CEs by individuals well known in your field of study. The lecturer for the course should have notable credentials and be a name that you recognize. You definitely want to take a course from the best the field has to offer. If you don’t recognize the lecturer or course supervisor’s name right away, do a little research to find out what they have published. It could save you time in the end to know as much as possible about the teacher and the class.
After finding a course you are interested in, checking the credentials of the individual teaching it, you should check the approvals of the site or institution offering the class. Most national associations have strict criteria when it comes to approving course work for CEUs. It is vital that the institution offering your chosen course meet the criteria offered by national and state boards and associations. Ultimately, a company that works hard to meet established criteria is a company that will work hard to give you quality course work.
Look up all the national board criteria for your field and for ethics continuing education. It is important to be familiar with the criteria and what an institution needs to do in order to maintain CE approvals. It’ll make the process of choosing a course more meaningful and perhaps simpler. Generally, once a company is approved to offer continuing education courses, they will have to continually update their status, changing and maintaining the criteria as necessary. The process is essentially the same for companies working to establish approval criteria for state boards.
The American Counseling Association and the American Psychological Association both have very specific criteria that companies, publications and institutions must meet when becoming approved to offer certificates in continuing education. More specifically, there are rules regarding courses offered in ethics. Both of these associations require rigorous applications from companies when they apply for approval. There are multiple membership organizations out there that have specific offices and departments devoted to making sure that companies meet their approval.
In the end, you’ll want to find an ethics continuing education class that is simple. You want it to require enough of your time to help you enhance your knowledge of ethics and the necessities of good counseling and therapy among your clientele without hindering your burgeoning practice.