Men and women the world over want to have young looking healthy skin. Unfortunately, many anti aging skin care guides try to complicate the process of maintaining healthy skin. However by following these simple protocols, you can achieve a younger, healthier looking skin without breaking the bank.
Who doesn't want beautiful young looking skin? Men and women all over the world spend millions annually to achieve this. Unless you have a skin condition that needs the help of a dermatologist, an anti aging skin care guide should be simple and easy to follow.
There is no need to put cucumbers and a green mask on your face for long periods of time or spend a fortune on the latest anti aging skin care treatment. Simply follow the tips below and you will have vibrant skin for much longer than you expected.
Tip #1 - Stay out of the sun.
The sun is a double edged sword when it comes to overall health.
On the one hand, it will help the body's production of vitamin D which is important for having good teeth and healthy bones. On the other hand, if you are exposed to the sun too often, it may cause melanoma and adversely affect the texture of your skin.
It is important to shield yourself from the sun's rays if you plan on being outside for long periods. You could wear a big hat or apply sunscreen.
Sunscreen is effective to an extent, but after a while, the chemicals in it break down under exposure to the sun. This compromises the protection it offers.
Over exposure to the sun also adversely affects your body's production of hyaluronic acid, which is a key component of your skin whose function is to repair tissue. The harmful UVB rays in the sun (sunburn) damage the skin cells, causing the dermis to reduce its production of hyaluronic acid over time.
So, the key is to limit your exposure to the sun.
Tip #2 - Drink more water.
Can you think of a cheaper, easier to implement anti skin care treatment? People just don't seem to drink enough water. Clean water too, not the stuff you get from the taps. Buying a water filter, will remove the harmful elements contained in water.
Water hydrates the skin and gives it a radiant glow. Considering that our bodies are 70% water, start drinking about 5-8 glasses a day. The skin is the largest organ in the body and needs sufficient water to keep it from drying out.
Tip #3 - Eat a Balanced Diet.
An anti aging skin care guide would be seriously lacking if it doesn't include the importance of eating a balanced diet.
When it comes to skin care health, eating leafy green vegetables like spinach and broccoli as well as eating berries is advisable.
A lot of the visible signs of aging is caused my free radical damage. Free radicals are molecules that have the effect on your body similar to the rusting of metal. Green vegetables and berries are rich in antioxidants which fight free radicals.
Taking supplements like fish oil and a good multi-vitamin is another effective way to reduce free radical damage. These supplements contains a fair amount of antioxidants and should also be a part your skin care regimen.
Skin Care Products.
Whilst the aforementioned tips are very effective, there is a place in your skin care regimen for skin care products.
A quality anti aging skin care treatment cream can augment the good results you'll experience from using the tips above.
A high quality anti aging skin care treatment cream should do the following:
1. Stimulate collagen and elastin production within the body. These two substances help to keep your skin supple and firm. Lack of it is partly responsible for the sagging skin.
CoenzymeQ10, phytessence wakame and nanobelle, found in some creams, can help the body boost its production of elastin and collagen.
Don't be too quick to purchase a collagen cream because the molecules of synthetic collagen are too big to penetrate the skin. So be weary of any anti aging skin care cream that promotes collagen as a wonder substance.
2. Hydrate the skin without being too greasy. Hydrated skin isn't dry or cracked and has a softer, more supple appearance.
3. Reduce fine lines and wrinkles especially around the mouth and eyes. It should also smooth out color inconsistencies on the skin and reduce spotting associated with getting old.
Don't stop here in your quest for a youthful looking skin. Science is always evolving. Use the information given here to spur you on to doing further research into proper skin care.
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