Sleep apnea treatments include everything from lifestyle changes to the uncomfortable CPAP mask. For those with this common condition, finding the right solution is vital to their overall health.
Patients who struggle with sleep apnea often wonder if there is a solution that is comfortable and really works. After all,

the thought of stopping breathing while they are sleeping is not at all appealing, and the truth is that the condition can be life threatening. Now, more than ever before, patients with this condition have very real solutions they can consider.
Oral Appliances
Oral appliances are mouthpieces that you wear while you rest. Similar to an orthodontic retainer or a tray used for teeth whitening, these devices will either push the lower jaw forward or prevent the tongue from blocking the airway. This can stop the symptoms of the condition by preventing blockage from occurring. Patients who want to use an oral appliance need to find a dentist who is experienced with sleep apnea and the appliances used to treat it. Not all dental practitioners have this experience. It is best to find one through a trusted medical doctor.
Surgery is the most invasive solution. The primary goal of surgical treatment is to open the airway so that obstructions occur less frequently. This might be done by removing excess tissue or to hardening the soft palate. This is usually only considered for very extreme cases because it is so invasive.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
Continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP as it is known in the industry, is the most common treatment for sleep apnea. This is a device that forces pressurized room air into the throat to keep it open. The pressure is customized to each patient and, when set correctly, effectively stops the condition. The main complaint about this treatment option is not in its effectiveness, as CPAP is known as one of the most effective treatments that can help most patients. Instead, the complaint is in the cumbersome nature of the machine and the discomfort patients experience trying to rest with the mask on.
Natural Treatments
Obesity is a common cause of sleep apnea. Patients often struggle with the condition because the excess tissue around the neck makes the airway narrower, and this increases the chances that an obstruction will occur. Weight loss may be able to reduce the severity of the condition or eliminate it altogether.
The problem with this solution is it takes time, and during the time in which the patient is trying to lose weight, the condition will make rest less restful, and that can make it difficult to exercise because of loss of energy. And, the condition does affect people who are thin as well as those who are overweight, so not all people can benefit from losing weight.
Some medications and excess alcohol suppress the central nervous system. This can make the condition worse. Avoiding these products, when possible, can improve sleep apnea symptoms. This is not a cure or treatment, but some will find that stopping these medications or limiting their consumption of alcohol make enough of a difference to allow them to stop using other treatments.
Of course, you should never stop taking medications that your doctor has prescribed without first consulting with him, but you may be able to find a new medication or adjust the time when you take your current one so that it is not before you go to bed to help improve your symptoms.