Some Details To Think Of When Preparing For Laser Eye Surgery

Jul 2


John Adams

John Adams

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After laser eye surgery, it’s helpful to have a few things handled already around your house and in your life. The following is a list of details you may want to handle prior to your eye surgery so that your recovery time is as pleasant as possible.


One of the wonderful things about laser eye surgery is that your sight can improve dramatically. However,Some Details To Think Of When Preparing For Laser Eye Surgery  Articles like most medical procedures, there is a recovery time and while your eyes are adjusting to their new, clear, vision there are a few things that make a difference if handled in advance.

A simple but effective thing to do before your surgery is to make sure your refrigerator is well stocked with healthy, easy to make food.  Either pre-cook meals or purchase frozen entrees that you can heat up easily.  After your surgery may not be the best time to try intricate recipes or explore cookbooks for new ideas.  Remember, your eyes may be sensitive to light after your surgery and so shining bright light onto a cookbook so that you can read it properly is not the best of ideas.  If you’re planning on ordering in, make sure you’ve got your favorite delivery restaurants on speed dial so that you can avoid trying to read small print menus.

When you get home from your laser eye surgery, a clean house is a wonderful way to keep your stress level down as you recover.  Obvious things like removing items from the floor that may trip you and making sure you’ve done the laundry beforehand come to mind easily, but also make sure you’ve handled any routine cleaning chores that may involve strong cleaners that irritated your eyes or nose in the past.  Things like mowing the lawn or gardening may not be a good idea either if you’re allergic to pollen.

One detail that needs to be handled prior to your eye surgery is making sure your driver’s license is good for at least a good 4 weeks after your surgery.  Taking the DMV’s eye chart exam when you’re recovering from laser eye surgery is probably not the best of ideas, so prior to going in for your surgery, make certain you’re legal to drive for a month after at a minimum. 

Having eye surgery is something that is truly life changing.  For those leaving glasses and contacts behind, the freedom and ease of simply seeing clearly is a wonderful thing.  Take a bit of time and handle a few details in advance so that your recovery time is not only as short as possible but also pleasant.