The article piece helps you to understand the concept of snoring and to take steps to avoid it.
Snoring is a state where the respiratory structures vibrate and yield a sound. This sound is liberated due to the fact that the general air movement gets obstructed during the breathing process while sleeping. Generally,
snoring results in a normal, soft to medium frequency sound but there are many cases wherein the sound can be loud, largely continuous and extremely unpleasant.
Not only snoring is annoying to the person in question, but quite objectionable and unpleasant to the other people in the picture. In addition, snoring is directly or indirectly related to the following issues:
- Sleep deprivation ( at times, for others as well due to the unpleasant noise)
- Due to sleep scarcity, issues like drowsiness and even irritability during day time occur
- Lack of focus is also a major issue triggered by snoring indirectly
- In some cases, the overall effects often lead to decrease in libido
In actual, there are many other consequences which haven’t yet been proved by the scientific tests and research.
So the obvious question will be how to avoid snoring while sleeping? The answer unfortunately is not the golden bullet method like in allopathic treatments (pills, tablets etc.). Most of the treatments related to reducing or avoiding snoring follow the basic principle of: clearing the concerned blockage in the passage of breathing.
The throat is an important aspect of the passage of breathing. Any pressing or clogging of the throat increases the chances of snoring and related problems. There are many over-the-counter remedies to get even with the problem of snoring and there are simple home remedies as well.
Some of these remedies and their explanations are discussed below:
Pressing of Throat
Excess fats on an individual’s body often get distributed in the major and minor areas. Hence, obese people have a risk that fat presses their throats which in turn assists the process of snoring. Hence, people who snore are often advised to lose weight (fats).
Clogging of Throat
Smoking not only clogs the throat, but weakens it as well. Hence smoking is a factor which leads to snoring in a way. The effects may vary from person to person though. Getting clear, snoring free sleep is an added bonus of quitting the cigarette butt.
Blocking of Throat
While sleeping there is a possibility that your tongue blocks the throat and to avoid this situation, it is advised that the concerned person sleeps on his or her side. The right posture while sleeping will not only help breathing, but will ensure that you get a sound sleep.
Snoring is a recognized medical problem and is more common that what we think. Many people avoid professional medical help at the initial stages, which in turn aggravates the situation.
Lastly, some studies have also concluded that yoga has the ability to help people with snoring problems because of the fact that yoga deals a lot with breathing exercises.