Sorenson’s Ranch School helps troubled teens work through problems associated with ADD, ADHD, reactive attachment disorder (RAD), anger, defiance, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and many other problems facing teenagers today.
Many troubled teens and troubled youth suffer from ADD, ADHD, reactive attachment disorder (RAD), anger, defiance, depression, drug and alcohol abuse, and many other problems that youth face in today’s society. Parents are many times finding it hard to know where to turn or who to talk to when their child is out of control or having issues that are not getting any better. Many parents have turned to the internet for more information. Troubled teen schools, residential treatment centers, boot camps, summer camps, and many other behavior modification options are now available. What is the difference and how do you know which one to choose? Sorenson’s Ranch School is a Therapeutic Boarding School that incorporates a unique mixture of therapy, discipline, and education to help struggling teens better their lives. Sorenson’s Ranch School has been assisting parents and students for over 30 years. The School incorporates therapy with animals in a very successful way. The horse therapy program at Sorenson’s Ranch was one of the first established. Through years and years of experience this program has evolved to a life-changing therapeutic experience. Sorenson’s Ranch is accredited through the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools and can help students that have fallen behind in school get back on track. For more information contact the admissions office at 1-888-830-4802 or visit the website at
Sorensons Ranch School : Changing Negative Thought Patterns
Sorenson’s Ranch School helps troubled teens learn how to change negative thought patterns.Sorensons Ranch School is a therapeutic learning environment that helps troubled teens
Sorenson's Ranch School assists students through a structured therapeutic approach.Sorensons Ranch School helps troubled teens learn how to change negative thought patterns
Learning to change negative thought patterns is a very powerful tool in learning to feel better about oneself and in turn change behaviors. Remember our thoughts are directly related to our behaviors.