Sorensons Ranch School provides an aftercare program
Sorenson’s Ranch School provides an aftercare program which helps troubled teens upon returning home. Parent Child communication becomes a very important part of the success of a student after returning home.
Residential treatment facilities often help teenagers that are struggling with issues such as depression,

anger, ADD, ADHD, ODD, and other issues overcome the problems they are experiencing. Often times this is done through a comprehensive combination of therapy, education, and behavioral treatment. When looking into a residential treatment center or a therapeutic boarding school it is important to know that as a parent or guardian you know what to expect when your child returns home. Sorenson’s Ranch School provides an opportunity for students to receive the therapy, education and behavioral treatment that is necessary to help them recover from the issues that they are experiencing. Sorenson’s Ranch also has an aftercare program that assists parents and children even after the students return home. Sorenson’s Ranch helps troubled youth by combining a unique mixture of therapy, education, and behavior treatment. Many schools or programs do well with one or two of these areas, but at Sorenson’s Ranch School we feel that we excel in all three areas. Therapy and education are very important parts of a therapeutic boarding school or residential treatment center. At Sorenson’s Ranch school students receive the help they need from a well qualified staff and people that truly care about their success. For more information contact the admissions office at 1-800-455-4590 or visit
Sorenson’s Ranch School on the web.