Speech Therapy –Some Interesting Activities for Improving Disorder
God gifted us with very sweet and unique thing and that is our voice. We can not even think our life without it, it is the best way of our communication and sharing our feelings but some people are there who do not have this thing in a perfect way.
The best gift that god had given us is our voice by this we are sharing our views,
![Speech Therapy –Some Interesting Activities for Improving Disorder Articles](https://www.articlesfactory.com/pic/x.gif)
the easy way to communicate with one another we are so lucky but it is not possible with other people they are not so lucky like us, they cannot communicate as we can they have some speech disorder, it like the a person can speak but feeling problem in speaking some general words. It is not like that this speech disorder cannot be cured, it can be cured very easily without taking any kind of medicine and without being admitted in hospital just in play you can remove this disorder, it is long process it takes time but result is permanent.
Generally it is found in the children of school going age they are encouraged to build up their language skills through speech therapies, by a speech-language specialist. Stuttering or prolonging syllables and sounds are the symptom of speech disorders between most of the children. Speech disorders include, articulation disorder, which is incapability to speak, voice and fluency, which can affect the speech. Speech therapy games and speech therapy activities can help a lot some of the speech games are as follow-
Building Vocabulary children having speech disorder is generally seen that their vocabulary is very weak so for them there a game can be played like read the sentence “I had gone to picnic where I had eaten ice cream, Maggie, cold rink, played game like badminton….and now ask them to add more word in it in this way they will be adding more words and will come to know other words also.
Sing some silly and funny songs here children get opportunity to express their felling and they freely express and sung any thing stuff and enjoy the most. By doing this they discover many new words and the most the they also lose some hesitation in them on other hand they also gain some confidence in them. This part is very important because children lost their confidence due to their disorder so we should try to boost up their confidence.
We should encourage children to talk about their school that what they did there? These activities also come in the speech therapy games. If speech therapy games are carried out outside than that will be very affective rather than organizing in class rooms.