Staying lean weightloss diet routine

Jul 16


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Staying lean ... diet ... the original ... helps you lose fat and is digested a lot more slowly than fat. Because protein keeps you full longer this meansyou burn fat more


Staying lean weightloss diet routine

Read the original articleProtein helps you lose fat and is digested a lot more slowly than fat. Because protein keeps you full longer this meansyou burn fat more efficiently. This means you have more energy through out the day to play or workout harder bottom line to sum this all up eat more protein to lose weight. If your more interested in staying lean all year around you should consider using American whey.American whey is a high quality pre digested cold filtered protein.It is also lactose free and a great tasting protein,Staying lean weightloss diet routine Articles it is also sodium free and comes in many flavors.American whey can also be mixed with water lo fat milk or juice, and also a great natural source for high quality protein.Also here is a diet you can use to lose 10 to 15 lbs. Breakfast16 oz of water mixed with two scoops of American why protein, and one banana.Take a multi vitamin. Lunch16 oz of watermixed with two scoops of American whey protein and one salad with a hard boiled eggSnack add 16 oz of water with ice cubes and two scoops of milk and American whey protein for a great tasting shake. DinnerTwo chicken breast16 oz of water with American whey proteinOne vegetable and a large salad.