Muscle is an integrel part of any weight loss regime because of its ability to help the body burn fat, and as the saying goes, "Use it or lose it!".
Did you know that muscle naturally decreases with age? And if you don’t replace the muscle, fat will take its place, talk about motivation! Which is where strength training come into the picture because it can help preserve muscle at any age.
Either way, strength training should be a part of any good weight loss program anyway, because as you increase your lean muscle mass your body becomes better at burning fat! Now let just mention that when I say, "Strength training" I don’t necessarily mean that you have to be 'Mr. Muscle', but having a good percentage of lean muscle can really go a long way in helping you with losing weight.
Benefits of strength training
1. Develops strong bones
2. Reduces your risk of injury
3. Boosts your body image
4. Improves your stamina
5. Better night’s sleep as with all exercise.
Your strength training options
Gyms are the first place people think of when they want to do strength training because of all the available equipment. But it is also possible to keep your workouts at home if you have various types of tension bands, they work just as well! Hand weights also work well if you are just beginning plus you can even use your own body weight by doing push-ups, sit ups crunches and leg squats.
Starting out
It is always important to begin your workout session with about 5 - 10 Minutes of warming up using gentle cardio like walking or stretching. Start your workout routine with 12 reps of a lighter weight before moving onto the heavier weights, and then move to heavier weights until the 12th rep tires you out!
A good rule of thumb when you want to increase the weight you’re working with is to increase it in 10% increments.
When you are starting out with strength training, try and aim for about 2 - 3 sessions a week, that will be more than enough for you to start building lean muscle. It is also only natural to feel some soreness during your workout but never pain, so if you ever feel sensations of pain, stop immediately to prevent injury.
Like I said earlier, you don’t necessarily have to be Mr. Muscle in order to benefit from strength training, just as long as you have some lean body muscle, it will go a long way towards helping you lose weight. And remember to always give yourself one full rest day for every muscle group that you have trained!
Till next time!
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