Stress Remedies For Healthy Moms
Stress is one of those things that just never seems to go away. In our busy society we think nothing of piling on more and more responsibilities on ourselves. A new responsibility is simply something that you will have to take care of , and not necessarily something that is even hard to handle or even mentally challenging. The more that you have to do it seems the more that you will have to worry about.
Stress is one of those things that just never seems to go away. In our busy society we think nothing of piling on more and more responsibilities on ourselves. A new responsibility is simply something that you will have to take care of ,

and not necessarily something that is even hard to handle or even mentally challenging. The more that you have to do it seems the more that you will have to worry about. Quite often it is the piling on of simple tasks that seem to put working mothers over their edge of tolerance.
For a mother with a job, you basically will have 2 jobs. There is what you do to earn money and then what you do to take care of your family. Even with a spouse to take on some of the duties it can still be overwhelming. The feeling of being too busy and having too much too do is very stressful and can make you much more prone to getting sick because of your defenses being down.
No one can ever under stress the importance of doctor visits that include regular checkups and screenings that are of importance to your health and you, you doctor and insurance company is in agreement with. A "mothers little helper prescription" is not always the best choice. Finding the root cause might reveal that your blood sugar levels or pressure is where the symptoms are coming from.
Learning to delegate some of these responsibilities are stress and blood pressure reducers. What parent really wants to say no to their child that wants to try some new found activity they might really enjoy while making new friends. Casting off some of these responsibility weights might be as easy as letting your child help you solve the task problem. Form a carpooling group with other parents that can also use the help and enjoy days off from the kid activities is a great way of reserving some of your responsibility sanity.
Delegating some of the chores at home will help with feeling of too much to do and too little time. Once kids hit the double digit years they are able to handle regular chores and are generally very impressed with a little allowance. If you give kids a small simple list of daily chores, there will be a few things more that you don't need to think about. They can have their own list to check and will be motivated by praise, and the allowance of course.