If ever you need a specialist to examine your eyes and prescribe a remedy, choose to go to an opthalmologist because he is a specialist in this field. True, an optometrist is also licensed to take care of certain eye problems but an opthalmologist is a qualified MD with specialization in eye and vision care.
If you live in the Chicago area,
you will need to look for a qualified Chicago opthalmologist who can provide you with the entire gamut of eye care facilities, ranging from checking your vision to prescribing spectacles or contact lenses to performing complex eye surgery. A good Chicago opthalmologist may also be a researcher.
An opthalmologist spends four years in medical school and does internship for a year, followed by three years as a resident in ophthalmology. As a practitioner, he learns to treat several big and small, complex and fine eye problems, such as:
• Glaucoma: When intraocular pressure is increased due to the optic nerve being damaged, glaucoma and other eye disorders result. Your Chicago opthalmologist will perform very fine surgery to overcome this eye disorder.
• Cornea and External Disease: Any corneal diseases and those of the eyelids, sclera and conjunctiva, corneal dystrophies, tumors of the cornea and conjunctiva, microbial infections, inflammatory processes and other eye diseases are best performed by your Chicago opthalmologist than anyone else.
• Ophthalmic Plastic Surgery: Such surgery includes upper facial reconstructive surgery after trauma, tumors and cosmetic lid surgery, surgery of the eyelid and orbital surgery. Surgeons specializing in this field combine the skills and knowledge of ophthalmic surgery and plastic surgery and can successfully use chemotherapy, radiotherapy and chemosurgery in order to treat orbital and ocular disease.
• Ophthalmic Pathology: This area of ophthalmology requires several skills of the Chicago opthalmologist who examines the eye’s tissue specimens and its related structures.
• Pediatric Ophthalmology: The medical and surgical management of strabismus, amblyopia, genetic and developmental abnormalities and a wide range of inflammatory, traumatic and neoplastic conditions occurring in the first two decades of life.
• Vitreoretinal Diseases: Here, the Chicago opthalmologist diagnoses any diseases that affect the vitreous and the retina by using the latest medical equipment such as ultrasound, electrophysiology and fluorescein angiography. These problems are treated by using cryotherapy, laser therapy, retinal detachment surgery and vitrectomy or vitreous removal.
• Lasik surgery: This very successful surgery method is used to treat several diseases, such as:
o Diabetic Retinopathy: This is a chronic disease which has its basis in one’s sugar metabolism. If severe, it can cause a patient to lose his vision.
o Senile Macular Degeneration: This is an age-related problem and refers to a scar that develops in the macular region of the eye. If severe, this too can lead to loss of vision.
o Glaucoma Trabeculoplasty: If your eye fluids don’t drain normally, you develop Glaucoma Trabeculoplasty, which affects the normal drainage function of your eyes.
o Posterior Capsulotomy: This is a follow-up procedure to cataract surgery that helps to restore one’s vision.
These are some of the fine surgical procedures your trained and experienced Chicago opthalmologist will perform routinely.