The other day I was visiting my dad’s wife in her nursing home. Her aid, nurse asked me if U knew anything about her condition. It was new disease whe...
The other day I was visiting my dad’s wife in her nursing home. Her aid, nurse asked me if U knew anything about her condition. It was new disease where you sweat-ed profusely in the feet and the hands. There was an operation to correct it. Her son, 18 years old, had the operation which cured the condition although she told me later that most people who the operation ended up sweating heavily in other areas of the body.
I asked her what she ate for breakfast and lunch. It was now 4:30 P.M. She had a grilled cheese sandwich and coffee for breakfast and meat and rice for lunch.
It’ summertime in CT, 80+ degrees, hot, especially in the nursing home room, with the AC turned off.
I asked her if her condition was worse in summer or winter. The answer was worse in summer.
In Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) the body builds up and breaks down largely according to food, nutrients provided via digestion, blood. Building foods (meat, cheese, eggs, etc.) heat up the digestive system, especially the liver, especially in combination with starch, the combination being very acidic, hot. Coffee overheats, over stimulates the heart , liver and kidneys. Heat rises, moves up and out.
When the body overheats due to internal heat, via too many building, acidic foods and or not enough cleansing, cooling foods (vegetables and fruits) and or external heat (hot summer, 80+ degrees) then it tends to expel the excess heat, energy via the pores, skin, perspiration. The hands and the feet are the most extreme points of the body. For excess heat to be blowing out the extremities requires a lot of heat, excess weight, liver congestion via a diet that is largely starch and protein, and not enough fruits and vegetables.
This is one case, cause which is very common.
R. G. Heft, Hot and Cold Health,
The many ways to breathe
There are two ways to breathe: (1) chest breathing (ribs expand and contract) and (2) abdominal breathing (abdomen expands and contracts). Chest breat...Beautiful skin, from within
You (hair, skin, nails, bones, thoughts, etc.) are what you eat. There is only one body, therefore only one way to eat. One diet (central theme plus two variations, spices and herbs) can prevent and or cure most disease.Daignosis and treatment of disease
There is only one body, therefore only one way to eat. One diet (central theme plus two variations, spices and herbs) can prevent and or cure most disease, as long as you know and can unite the building up and breaking down nature of the body with the building up and breaking down nature of food, herbs, exercise, rest, gender, climate, etc.