Symptoms of Kidney Disease

Oct 8


Dawie Mostert

Dawie Mostert

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What are the symptoms of kidney failure? Knowing kidney disease symptoms, can kidney disease be cured?


4 Symptoms and other signs.

People usually fail to recognize the early kidney disease symptoms because they are usually subtle. Some symptoms can even go unnoticed.

 Any kidney disease can lead to the loss of life if not treated early enough. Learning to recognize the symptoms and signs will enable you to live a healthier life.

The following are the most common kidney disease symptoms:

1.   Changes in urinary function.

The first symptom of kidney disease is a change in the urinary function.

If you find that you are waking up more frequently at night to go to the bathroom,Symptoms of Kidney Disease Articles and this does not usually occur to you, this could be an indicator that there is something wrong with your kidneys.

Changes in the colour and amount of your urine are also signs of your kidneys not working properly.

If you experience pain or difficulty when voiding, it could be a sign of your kidneys experiencing problems.

If you realize that you are voiding larger amounts of urine than usual, and your urine is pale or very light in colour, or if your urine is very dark and in small amounts, it is important that you visit a doctor for a check-up.

2.   Loss of energy and extreme fatigue.

If your kidneys are not working properly, you might feel extremely fatigued.

Rashes might develop on your body. These rashes are usually itchy.

Your breath might start smelling like ammonia. You might also experience a metallic taste.

Weight loss may also result from the diminished appetite.

Vomiting and nausea are also kidney disease symptoms that maybe experienced as a result of a build up of waste products in the body.

3.   Pain in the back or abdomen.

Some kidney disease cases may cause pain.

In case there is a kidney stone in your ureter, you might experience a severe cramping pain spreading from the lower back to the groin area.

This pain might be related to an inherited kidney disorder called polycystic kidney disease which usually causes fluid filled cysts in the kidneys.

Interstitial cystitis is a chronic bladder wall inflammation that causes pain and discomfort.

4.   Other signs.

Other symptoms of kidney disease may include feeling cold all the time, shortness of breath, inability to concentrate over long durations, dizziness and pain in the back area of the affected kidney.

Other symptoms include endocrine disturbance from menstrual disturbances to sexual dysfunction and thyroid dysfunction.

You might also experience cardiovascular ailments from coronary artery disease and congestive heart failure to occlusive vascular and pericarditis diseases.

Your chances of having kidney disease are increased if you have a history of the disease in your family. You should therefore know your family and medical history as this will help your doctor to diagnose and determine the most appropriate treatment for you.

In order to reduce your probability of getting more complicated kidney problems, you should visit your health professional or naturopath any time you experience any of these symptoms. If discovered early enough, kidney disease can be treated effectively using natural medicines.

If you or a loved one is suffering with a kidney disease then you’re about to find out that it’s possible to reverse impaired kidney function and avoid dialysis and/or kidney transplant surgery.

By following the same step-by-step holistic healing protocols that thousands of people around the world have already followed with successful results, you can improve your kidney function and your quality of life.

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