Talking to Your Dentist About Your Anxiety
Many people suffer from dentophobia which is anxiety at the thought of going to the dentist or of having any dental treatments done. One of the best ways to cope with this is to talk with your dental provider. Here we take a look at how to do that.
Do you suffer from dentophobia? Be honest now. There are many people that suffer with anxiety when they show up at the dentist’s office. Some experience a mild case of the nerves and get more nervous and scared the longer they spend in the waiting room. Others experience what amounts to honest to goodness fear at the thought of what the dental provider will find when he or she starts looking around in the person’s mouth.
It is understandable why many individuals experience these feelings. In fact even people who say that they do not fear the dentist still experience a small modicum of concern when it comes time for their scheduled appointments. The teeth,
gums and the mouth as a whole are some of the most sensitive areas found throughout the human body. Even when minor work is done it can lead to shivers and a strange sensation. Some people even have a difficult time having their teeth scaled by the hygienist or do not enjoy the feeling that the polisher leaves them with when they are having their teeth cleaned.
If the healthcare provider is filling a cavity or working on something in a patient’s mouth then it may be necessary to inject some type of sedative into the nearby area that is being treated. For those who suffer from a phobia of dentists this can make the situation even worse.
If you have not guesses already, dentophobia is a fear of visiting any kind of dental provider and of having any kind of treatment performed on the mouth. It is also sometimes referred to as dental anxiety. Having your teeth and gum examined by a dental practitioner at least every six months is so important for the health of your mouth. You can do your part to take care of your oral care at home but you need the tooth doctor to play a role in your oral hygiene and maintenance as well!
Neglecting your oral health will only allow the problems you have to get worse and could put the future of your teeth in jeopardy. Do not ignore a tooth ache, bleeding gums or any type of sore that appears in your mouth. These things are all symptomatic of a problem that needs to be checked out and attended to by a professional.
The best thing you can do if you suffer from anxiety about your dental appointments is to be honest and frank with your dentist about it. Do not lie about it and do not try to make it seem like it is no big deal. This type of phobia is as real any other kind of phobia and it needs to be talked about and discussed openly.
Let your dentist know specifically what it is that you are scared or nervous about. Is it the look or feel of the instruments that makes you feel ill at ease? Is it the process that you go through once you are seated in the chair? Is it the sounds or the smells in the room? If you can articulate to the best of your ability what it is that bothers you the most then the provider can work with you to find a solution. By so doing you may never come to enjoy your visits to see him or her but you will at least not come to dread them either! You can find the middle ground which will be a place where you feel comfortable and more relaxed.