Almost half of today's overweight children are obese, the number is rising constantly and something has to be done. Teaching our children how to eat healthy is a parents duty. If done properly, the habit will become second nature to the child and they will take their healthy eating lifestyle into adulthood and the probability of a longer happier life will be greatly increased.
Here are 5 ways you can ensure that will happen.
1. More Fruit - Getting kids to eat fruit is sometimes like trying to pull teeth, well there are ways to make it more fun and appealing and, if required, some sneaky tricks to get your child eating healthy they will never know about. Make them fruit smoothies and shakes. You can even freeze them and create lollipops and icepops. Smoothies are great ways to get certain green vegetables into the mix that a lot of children refuse to eat.
2. Make It Fun - Your children will be more willing to eat a healthier diet if you incorporate play and games into mealtimes. Get them to create a picture on the plate, maybe a garden with green vegetables, or a green smoothie called Hulk Juice. Let them invent their own recipes so long as they include certain ingredients. Fun is always a great way to get your child to enjoy healthier eating habits.
3. Make it Relevant to Their Interests - Kids view mealtimes as just a distraction from their play times, so seeing a plate of vegetables will make them even more disinterested. If you convince them that, unless they eat a certain food, they won't be able to run fast or play sports. Or that Spiderman eats broccoli so he can fight bad guys then they will take more interest. There are many various ways to create healthy eating children.
4. Don't Take Away Candy - We all know thats kids love candy and fizzy drinks and anything else that is bad for them. If you take away all these things completely then they will just resent you and the healthier options you have replaced them with. Instead make them rewards for eating something regularly. Maybe a visit to their favourite fast food restaurant after each month of eating healthily.
5. Join In - Sitting down at the dining table and eating as a family is the No.1 proven way of teaching children how to eat a healthy diet. By all doing the same thing at the same time becomes a routine, and by seeing you do the same as them your kids will be more willing to join in. Also it enables you to make sure they are eating the healthy food instead of sneaking it to the dog.
It is our responsibility to make sure our children grow up to be as healthy as possible. Child obesity is rising constantly and it needs to be stopped. Teaching our kids how to eat healthy is the best way possible for them to become healthy, successful adults. For more ideas and tips visit and ensure your children become the best adult they can be.
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