Even with today's technology finding the exact cause of low back pain can be difficult. In some cases, back pain may be a symptom of many different causes. The following article has hints on how to help to prevent back problems and ease the accompanying pain.
Working days lost in the US alone due to back pain runs into hundreds of millions.
Our back is highly complex mechanism and even with the use of modern technology pin pointing the exact cause of low back problems can be difficult and challenging. At the center of our back is the spine, with a sophisticated inter linking of vertebrae and various bones. The spinal column itself is supported by a complex array of muscles and ligaments. Many back problems occur as a result of some change in the spinal column. These changes often happen after an injury to the neck or back. Any shift in our spinal column alignment causes the muscles tighten up and go into spasm, making the muscle work continuously, (nature’s protection mechanism).
Most people will have at least one backache during their lives, and many will live with recurrent or prolonged back problems. While discomfort can affect any area of the back, pain mostly occurs in the lower part, which supports most of the body’s weight. Indeed, low back pain is among the most common reasons why Americans visit the doctor. Some people have backaches that cause significant disability, with pain or numbness radiating down the leg or into the foot - a condition known as sciatica.
Taking off the shelf pain killers such as ibuprofen or aspirin often helps to reduce the inflammation and bring some sort of relief; however for people who suffer from chronic back pain they seldom bring much relief. Whether you are a newcomer to back pain or a long term sufferer, here are ten tips to ease your back pain.
Once you know what is wrong you can focus all your energy on rehabilitation. Usually there are many avenues to explore including surgery, passive manipulation, Yoga, Tai Chi, Pilates, Alexander Technique, or Chi Kung. What works well for some may not work at all for others so it is important to explore as many avenues as possible and try to keep positive.
This information in this article should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease. You should always consult with your health care professional especially relating to the suitability of ecercises, supplements or drugs and on all health matters that may require diagnosis or medical attention.
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