An easy to understand article on testicular cancer.
Testicular cancer is diagnosed to seven to nine thousand people each year in the United States alone and men have about a 1 in 250 chance of having this type of cancer. The most probable age group effected ranges between 15 and 40 years old. These tumors are more commonly found on Caucasians and rarely found in men of African descent. Testicular cancer is a tumor that is found on the testis at its first stage. The good news about this type of cancer is that it has the highest success rate of all cancers of being cured. The cure rate is between ninety and one hundred percent based on what stage it is discovered at. Although success rates fall, testicular cancer is still curable in later stages. This is due to the cancer cells spreading to different areas within the body.
It is very important that people are aware that all lumps are not tumors and this type of cancer is often noticeable upon its first stage when it has the highest success rate of being cured. Early detection is very important in improving the success rate of curing this type of cancer just as all others that are curable. Common symptoms include one or more of the following: a lump on testis, hardening of one or more of the testis, pain in the testis, impotence, blood in semen, watery semen, a dull ache in the groin or abdomen to name a few. Should you or someone you know experience any of these symptoms it is very important for them to inform their doctor immediately.
Treatment for testicular cancer includes surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The amount of treatment and what type of treatment necessary is based on the stage of the cancer. Generally, once the cancer is removed surgically, radiation therapy and chemo therapy are used to kill any remaining cancer cells to prevent them spreading. Surgery is usually completed within a short time of the cancer being discovered. Radiation and chemotherapy treatments normally continue for several months after surgery. Blood tests are normally requested monthly for the rest of the patients life.
The reason of this article is to inform people interested, worried about themselves or someone you may know. To stay informed can greatly help people through such a disease. Not only will understanding this type of cancer help spread awareness if it but if a single reader uses this information to detect cancer on one's body it could save a life.
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