Testosterone is associated with males and aggressiveness. It has been explored over the centuries.
Testosterone: An Overview
Testosterone's history is long and varied. Centuries ago testis tissue was used for impotence. Brown-Sequard, a French physiologist, created a "rejuvinating therapy for the body and mind" in 1889. It was a liquid extract derived from the testicles of dogs and guinea pigs. He touted it as increasing his mental power and strength.
In 1935 Butenandt and Ruzica won the Nobel Prize in chemistry for producing synthetic testosterone. This was the precursor of the modern day anabolic steroids.
While testosterone is usually associated with males, women also produce it only in smaller numbers. Women's ovaries produce primarily testosterone, which is then made into estrogen. Men typically produce 20X as much testosterone as women.
When men and women age the circulating testosterone slowly declines. Women experience it notably around menopause. Energy level drops, symptoms of depression, sexual libido level declines, and just the feeling of well being is disrupted.
In men, low testosterone levels (andropause or male menopause) results in loss of muscle tone, irritability, weight gain in the wrong places and poor sexual performance. Even worse is the possibility of bone mineral density, a condition called osteoporosis. This can lead to severe bone changes and often times fractures. Many older people suffer falls and fractures and end up in the hospital.
Testosterone therapy can be beneficial for some individuals although it has some side effects. I will explore this treatment in another article. For a previous article on testosterone visit http://www.1862244.com/boostyourtestosterone.html
Here's to leaner, healthier YOU!
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