The Answer to Your Perfect Smile
Taking care of teeth that are misaligned is not just a fashion trend. It is an important part of the good dental care that should be part of everyone's overall dental health. It will help avoid tooth damage in the future.
Most of us live a fast paced lifestyle now. Many households have both parents working full time jobs and it becomes a struggle keeping up with appointments for everyone in the family. One trick to be able to pack it all in is to schedule family appointments on the same day as much as possible. This works especially well for going to the dentist. Visiting the dentist for regular check ups is not just for the children either. Some adults go and are surprised to find out they need some work done. One of the more popular procedures is the invisalign.
The invisalign treatment is offered by those who have completed special training to become skilled in this alternative treatment. This can be done rather than the traditional braces. Many dentists are now spending a good portion of their day on this procedure. The idea is to use clear aligners to gradually shift the teeth into the place your dentist thinks they should be. The great attraction for this method is that they are invisible and no one can see them.
The fact that no one can see the aligners that are in the mouth have give many adults just the extra prompt they need to give this invisalign a try. They also put pressure on the teeth just like braces do,

except braces must be left on all of the time. This is another advantage of these aligners. You can take them out of the mouth when you want to enjoy a great meal and to clean your teeth. Keeping them out of the mouth for too long a period would not be an advantage however since it obviously needs to be in the mouth the majority of the time in order for it to work out.
It is the pressure that causes the invisalign to work and shift the teeth. The doctor will recommend you keeping them in the mouth for at least twenty out of the twenty four hours each day. Those people who have lived through braces can appreciate the luxury of those extra four hours. Many people, especially adults have taken the plunge when they were never interested in having braces. The fact that they can be removed even for short amounts of time is what keeps them interested.
When using the invisalign treatment, you will be changing the aligners every few weeks as the teeth are shifting. This is to be expected and the dentist has these already prepared for you so you will not have to make as many trips back and forth to his office each time. It does take commitment on your part wherever you are, though.
If you remember to keep them in your mouth, this is an excellent way for busy adults to have the smile they always wanted.