Is our lifestyle one of the reason, we get cancer? How we can protect us. What do you know about the last research of cancer diet? I try to tell you the daily problems and how to manage them.
Of course, we can prevent us of Cancer! You don’t believe this? Our Researchers have fund and proved a lot of reason’s we give the cancer a chance.
The most major problems of the modern Western diet:
1. Too much fat.
We consume far too many fats, and specifically Omega 6 fatty acids and Tran’s fatty acids, and too little Omega 3 fatty acids. Omega-6-fatty acids are found in fatty foods, margarine, and most importantly, sunflower cooking oil, and Trans fatty acids in brick margarine and reheated oil. Omega 3 fatty acids, which are good for us and help in the fight against cancer, are contained in cold-pressed olive oil and the much cheaper Canola Oil. The diet of the hunter-gatherer resulted in his having a 1/1 ratio of Omega 6/ Omega 3 fatty acids. The ration in the Western countries today is 10/1. It is not difficult to see that this change must have some impact.
The incidence of cancer, especially breast and prostate cancer has increased dramatically in the last few years. The former seems to increase dramatically in a population where the per capita fat intake is high.
2. Too much refined flour products.
The problem lies with the foundation of the food pyramid, namely refined flour products, such as white bread and pasta. Furthermore, our bodies do not need to consume sugar, as we can produce our own from carbohydrates. Refined foods used to be only available to the very rich, whereas the general population tended to eat more healthy and less expensive whole wheat products. With the advent of the Industrial Revolution, it became easy to refine all wheat, thereby removing much of the nutritional value it contained.
3. We consume too little anti-carcinogenic. Huge studies have been done in the USA with the help of the so-called Cohort Group of 100 000 volunteers, who are all in some way involved with the medical profession.
Important anti - carcinogenics include:
With our next information – we will inform you about the “4 Steps to protect you from cancer”.
Have a look on this site in the next 2 weeks! You have more questions – send us a mail!
Fritz Frei Admin
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