The Benefits Of Health Risk Assessments (HRAs)
Several businesses are offering their employees Health Risk Assessments, nowadays. There is no standard way to do it, but some businesses do it by giving their workers questionnaires and others simply ask health related questions and then do blood work. Either way, the employers are likely to invite their employees to do the screenings and will entice them with discounts on their health insurance plans.
Several businesses are offering their employees Health Risk Assessments,

nowadays. There is no standard way to do it, but some businesses do it by giving their workers questionnaires and others simply ask health related questions and then do blood work. Either way, the employers are likely to invite their employees to do the screenings and will entice them with discounts on their health insurance plans.
An HRA or Health Risk Assessment basically is a tool that allows you to see how your habits are factoring in to your health and what health issues you are putting yourself at risk for both now and down the road. Usually the assessment includes questions about the way you eat and sleep and other aspects of your daily life that may be affecting your health.
During a thorough assessment your height, weight, blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol are evaluated to get a better understanding of your health. This assessment is beneficial because it gives you an idea of the issues that you need to pay attention to now in order to avoid problems later, and how to transition into better health choices.
It is important to realize that this also benefits your employer and the health insurance company as well because the healthier you are the less expensive it will be to have you around both as an employee and as an insured. Bringing these health topics to your attention year after year will help you to gain some control over the issues that may be causing you problems and will help you find your way to a healthier lifestyle.
An HRA can only benefit you and can allow you to become of health issues that you may not have even been aware of. Over time you will find that this increased awareness takes hold and you begin to think more about ways to improve your health and your life. Plus it is nice to take that extra deduction off your health insurance as well.