The question of the hologram that remains within us all...
The creation of the hologram
The world is a complex place, the scope of this is far beyond our brains to comprehend. I find this subject of the world being a hologram fascinating, the fact is that scientist now believe the world is actually one big hologram! So my question is what is going to happen in a thousand years (possibly less than that) when the death of the environment speeds up to create, well the death of the earth. And if we don’t survive will more holograms be created to replace us? My guess is that they will, possibly not the same form as us but another weird looking creature, the hologram that is created could even turn out similar to the dinosaur. Who knows? Although this is looking deeply into the future, what is stopping us now from creating the holograms of our lives? This is not just about designing our lives the way we want them, its about surrounding to the push and pull of the western world, going inside ourselves (Maybe retreating for a few days/weeks/months.. years) and coming out emerged in a hologram that lives within us. Allowing us to take it where ever we go. What sort of music would yours be playing? What would it smell like? Feel like? Look like? Imagine carrying this unique and authentic hologram inside you. What would change in your life if you were perfect on the inside? If you created a perfect inner hologram in which to shine a light on out into the world?
Would you like a slice of love with life?
Love , love, love the powerful emotion. As powerful as it is, it can either work with us or againest us. Let me show you how to have it work for you, come follow me....Its time for you to spread your wings and fly
Each of us has latent locked potential that if we tapped into it and used it we could live truly abundant and glorious lives.The leader in you
There is an unsung hero in you, find him and set him free