The Different Plans to Earn Extra in USANA Business
Besides dealing in diet or energy, nutritional and personal care products, USANA offer many opportunities to the people who desire to run their own business.
This is the thing that differentiates USANA from the other companies. In this article,
I am going to tell you some amazing ways that will help you to generate more revenue.
Just to tell you, I am not related with this business in any of the ways and this article is purely written for your benefits.
- Retail Sales: Selling retail is considered as the safest and quickest way to generate more revenue. In this method, you can purchase USANA products in bulk and then sell them further to the customers. The advantage of retail sales is that you can set the selling price accordingly by yourself (usually 10% more than the preferred price). However, the thing that needs to be considered is - satisfying the customers completely thus, you may sell the products to them online or offline.
- Weekly Commissions: With the full support of your associates you can actually earn 20% commissions on your weekly accumulated GSV (Group Sales Volume). The best thing of this plan is - the extra volume (usually more than 5000 points) will be carried forward to the next week. Since USANA deals in consumable products therefore, you can guaranteed earn extra bucks every week. Additionally, you can take advantage of Auto Order Program as UANA handles all the extra work like taking orders, shipping and many more.
- Lifetime Matching Bonus: As the name suggests, this plan enables you to get bonus week-in and week-out till the lifetime of your business. Therefore, it can really boost your extra earning. In this plan, you can help the new team members by generating volume from your end. This will not only benefit the whole team but also, you personally.
- Incentives: You can also qualify yourself for the incentives by taking participation in various contests. Winning prizes not only include cash but also, trip to the exotic destinations such as Hawaii or Ireland. You can also expect stunning cars and other goodies.
- Leadership Bonus: USANA opportunity appreciates tremendous leaders as well and that means if you are good enough to succeed others then you can expect leadership bonus. Actually, every week the company reserves 3% of its commissions and distributes it among the leaders who did extremely well in their businesses.
All the above mentioned ways are truly the best ways which the other companies may not offer. So, if you have the time, availability, accessibility, skills and required resources then you are ready to excel in USANA business.