The effect of removing wrinkle of biotin injection

Sep 28


David Yvon

David Yvon

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Whether the effect of biotin injectable removing wrinkles is good or not? Lot of people who pursuit beauty will have this doubt, the appearance of wrinkles make so many friends upset, there are many methods to remove wrinkle, biological wrinkle needle is one of them, then what is the effect of biotin injectable remove wrinkles? Let us go to listen to the experts’ introduction together.


Experts said that the biotin-wrinkle injections using botulinum toxin which is produced by special bacteria,The effect of removing wrinkle of biotin injection Articles can make the muscle relaxation, can effectively block the nerve impulses of nerves and muscles, so as to get rid of our wrinkles in the face. Although bio-wrinkle injections have been used very extensive now, but its operation still have a certain degree of risk, so we should do some considerations. Cleansing facial wrinkles before biotin injection. Forbear from alcohol one week. before surgery without using aspirin or other antipyretic analgesics two weeks. Learn more about the patient’s history of major diseases, allergies, facial cosmetic surgery history.

In addition, cosmetic raw material suppliers said that the biotin-wrinkle injections is a very simple and safe treatment, the doctor will use a very small needle accurately inject a small amount of the hostility face different muscle areas, while injection caused The pain is very mild, and feel just like mosquito bites, there is no need to conduct local anesthesia. The process of operation just takes about ten minutes, depending on the needing part, usually after the injection of the second to the third day, biotin has begun to be effective to a week later, the wrinkles disappeared. The first effects of bio-wrinkle injections generally maintain three to six months or longer, so just a regular annual treatment two to three times, and then continue to maintain the appearance of wrinkles, can arbitrarily increase during the injection site. Clinical studies have shown that each time thereafter duration will be extended, can successively reduce the number of repeated injections.

Finally, biotin manufacturer pointed out that the biotin wrinkle injections has a great effect, but it always has two sides, with the advantages there are some deficiencies at the same time. First bio-wrinkle injections is based on destruction or weakening some normal physiological functions of the human to achieve the purpose of removing wrinkles, for example forehead wrinkles completely eliminated after the injection, but at this time there is no brow lift function, since the brow lift function of the amount of muscle paralysis, Plainly bio-wrinkle injections caused temporary partial facial nerve paralysis, and this method of removing wrinkle is temporary, generally wrinkle role for about four months, four months later, if the patient requests, also repeated injections, but if the long-term repeated injections, it may cause permanent paralysis of the muscles. Furthermore, biotin injectable wrinkle has its limitations, and applies only to the amount of grain, frown lines and crow's feet, is not suitable for everyone. The wrinkle this method will be heavy brow ptosis, increased aging, and even cause lower eyelid sagging fall, covering the field of vision.

Therefore, those people who prepared to accept the biotin injections must first go to consult the professional doctor to determine indications, then go to inject, in order to avoid unnecessary complications.
