Can we really stop the aging process, slow it down, or even reverse ... of aging on our skin and body? It is an enigma for which so many have searched the answers to for years. Now, with advanc
Can we really stop the aging process, slow it down, or even reverse the effects of aging on our skin and body? It is an enigma for which so many have searched the answers to for years. Now, with advanced modern science making breakthroughs and discoveries every day, the answers have become apparent to the age-old quest for the proverbial fountain of youth. In large part, your everyday lifestyle choices contribute to the way you age, and the rate at which your body ages. Diet, environmental factors, exercise and the topical skincare products and skin care regimen you choose, all affect the way you are going to appear now and ten, twenty, and thirty years down the road. It's no surprise your lifestyle plays a pivotal role in how your body and skin age over the years, since we've always known diet and exercise affect our energy levels, appearance, moods, and fitness level. However, several key foods have been found to be very effective weapons not only against aging in general, but also against skin disorders ranging from acne, rosacea, thin skin, and photo aging (sun damage). These foods can even help reverse and repair sun and other environmental damage done to the skin. This powerful weapon is a group of chemical compounds called antioxidants, and what they accomplish in high doses, along with adequate exercise, can mimic a surgical facelift over a relatively short period of time! Think about all of the damage your skin is exposed to on a daily basis. It is your largest and most vulnerable organ, exposed to toxins and other damaging elements, like the sun, every day. These elements will actually accelerate the aging process by producing harmful compounds called free radicals, which can damage cells and in turn damage the skin. Antioxidants actually fight free radicals, and reverse some of the damage already done by them in the body. Precautions to be taken to prevent these nasty little free radicals From wreaking havoc on your skin include wearing sunscreen every day, Getting regular moderate exercise, using preventive skin care(cleansers, lotions, gels, creams, etc ) formulated with powerful antioxidants like Vitamin C and Alpha Lipoic Acid, and making sure your get an abundance of antioxidants in your every day diet. Some examples of foods high in antioxidants include berries (strawberries, bluberries, raspberries, etc.), citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits, etc.), and vegetables rich in color, such as broccoli, zuccini, spinach, and summer squash. See the following links for more information on where to find these anti-aging priciples: While there are many foods to be enjoyed while living by the "anti-aging" diet, there are also foods that need to be either avoided all together, or strictly minimized. These are refined sugar, caffeine, and all starchy and white flour products. The resulting surge of insulin created by these foods produces more free radicals and breaks down the cell's defenses against damaging elements, leaving you wide open to more skin damage (ie. wrinkles, skin disorders, and other premature aging effects). These foods are highly inflammatory by nature, and while they may taste good going down, know that they are destroying good cells and allowing for future damage by weakening the cell's defenses further. So, there you have it, some of the core concepts that will get you started to minimizing and even reversing the affects of aging. This is really just the tip of the iceberg. There is actually a lot more information on these concepts available that would be well worth your time to learn. What you do with these principles is up to you, it's just a matter of making some minor changes for a longer, happier and healthier life. I'd say that is definitely worth the investment!
Best Bets for Weight Loss in 2009
Weight loss seems to be on everyone's mind during those post-holiday weeks in early January, and who can blame us all for worrying? It seems like the entire month of December is spent on one nonstop smorgasboard of fattening, sugary, salty foods. So, when it's time to finally reel it in and curb your calorie intake again, what are your best bets to get the ball rolling toward a fitter, trimmer, healthier you?The Best Supplements to Start Taking in 2009
In this day and age, it's hard for us to actually "eat" our vitamins, minerals and other necessary nutrients in the proper amounts by consuming the foods. Read on for information on what I feel are the most critical supplements one should consider for daily consumption to enhance their health, appearance, brain function and longevity.Alternative Ways to Quit Smoking This New Year
With the ever-increasing price of cigarettes, and volumes of warnings that aim to increase the public's awareness of the dangers of cigarette smoking, you'd think it would be a no-brainer for smokers to just up and quit the habit cold turkey. However, being a former smoker myself, I know that this statement is neither realistic, nor fair. So, what are the alternative options to quitting smoking?