Comprehend the alarming impact of common flu across the world and contemplate the scenario with dreadful diseases.
Which of the nations would ever deny an alluring life full of good health and a germ-free environment? If a disease as common as a common flu could leave an impact in a number of ways,

what could be the fate with the fatal ones? Medically known as Influenza, `common flu` is what it is popularly known as worldwide.
It is not occasional that we encounter the after-effects of outbreaks of various diseases that have formed the basis of numerous formations like the World Health Organization (WHO), etc. These establish guidelines and process them to get rid of the diseases and their effects altogether.
In spite of having known the entire biology of the causal organism of common flu, the influenza virus, the mode of its transmission and the development of vaccines, it has not been possible to eradicate them utterly. The reason behind it is the heterogeneity of the virus that is known to occur in multiple strains and constantly alter their antigenic properties by phenomena called `antigenic shift` and `antigenic drift`. Due to this, although the quarantine could be made strict to check the rapid spread, the medications and vaccinations fail to be absolutely effective and need to be formulated every year.
Considering their worldwide influence could help enlightening the general population of the losses suffered through the epidemic and pandemic outbreaks of even common diseases. In case of Influenza, the worst suffered lots are those comprising the senior citizens, children aged below 14 and susceptible population with lesser immunity usually those suffering from cancer or AIDS or those undergone a graft surgery.
Secondary complications are those that arise along with a primary disease that makes the treatment costlier and complicated. Such secondary complications of common flu are Pneumonia, autoimmune disease like Guillian-Barre syndrome and Hemorrhage that add on to the already high cost of therapy and mortality rates.
Reye`s syndrome is another such super-infection associated with influenza affecting the central nervous system that have higher incidence in cases where the affected individuals are given aspirin. The investments made in controlling the spread such as vaccinations or flu shots, medications and hospitalization have given way to considerable economic setbacks in the past.
Some of the mention worthy landmarks of the losses suffered due to influenza pandemic is the Spanish flu in 1918 with as many as 50 million deaths, the Asian flu in 1957 with 1-4 million deaths in China, Singapore, Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Flu in the year 1968 with over 1 million people dead. As per the record, around 10 billion dollars per year in US constitutes the loss caused by the dead as well as suffering working population that the flu gives rise to.
Apart from depending entirely upon the drugs and vaccines commercially available, it is always wiser and advisable to stay healthy by leading a healthy and hygienic lifestyle. These involve nutritious intake of food, regular work-outs, proper washing of hands, and groomed sanitary practices. With these, diseases could be kept under check at individual levels.