The Importance Of Minerals In Our Tap Water
Please do not take it lightly when come to what minerals are needed by our body system, because without a healthy organic mineral balance inside and o...
Please do not take it lightly when come to what minerals are needed by our body system,

because without a healthy organic mineral balance inside and outside the cells of muscle, blood, and bone substructures, the body will began to spasm, twitch and cramp, eventually deteriorating to unfavorable condition. Important minerals required by our body derived from the water we drink and the food we eat daily, and both are related to tap water. So, minerals are dissolved solids but what minerals are in tap water that going to benefit us?Beside drinking it, we use tap water to wash or clean our foods, then tap water is being use to cook the meals which end up in our stomach eventually. According to Dr. John Sorenson, a leading authority on mineral metabolism, "Minerals in drinking water are more easily and better absorbed than minerals from food." Therefore, minerals in tap water is a highly beneficial, healthy kind of water that can get needed minerals delivered faster and more efficiently into your bloodstream and body than eating foods or taking mineral supplements can. Knowing what minerals are in tap water is the path to understand how these minerals going to benefit our body and health. In case, you do not know, most water purification products, remove completely, all the trace of minerals in our tap water. Over a period of time consuming this "cleaned" water, will deprive you of the organic minerals which are required by your body to function and stay healthy at its optimal level.Some of the popular types of minerals which are found in tap water and their respective role or function are being listed below:Magnesium- It has known to be the best element in maintaining the immune system, easing the body and muscles and even help lower blood pressure. The other known effect will the stress coping due to it relaxing function on nerve and muscles.Chloride and Bicarbonates- Both play a vital role in digestion and assist in keeping ph balanced in our body system, specifically within the stomach and upper and lower intestines. Iron- Without Iron, our blood "transportation" will not be working well. Even it is just a small amount Iron needed, it's still a necessary mineral that help our blood circulate better to deliver oxygen throughout the body. Sulfate- Also found in many different types of our tap waters and is used by our body as a cleansing and detoxifying agent. Responsible for our stronger skeletal system, including the strengthening of the teeth. The above are the benefits of minerals and also what minerals are in tap water, for you to know. So, the next question might be; "I know the benefit of minerals in the tap water, but they co-exist with other toxic contaminants like chlorine, fluoride and other harmful chemicals as well" or " I would prefer to install a water filter that will take out everything, rather than drinking the toxic and other contaminants with it". I would definitely agree with you if I do not know the existence of Multi Stage Water Filtration System, which is designed to take away only the unwanted toxic contaminants, but leaving the good trace of minerals to stay in the tap water. It simply means, what minerals are in tap water remain untouched after it has gone through the water multi stage water filtration system. There are few Multi Stage Water Filtration System available out there, but get to know one and making comparison before you actually buying one Multi Stage Water Filtration System for your house.