This article looks at the latest breakthrough for health and wellness -- Adult Stem Cell enhancers.
It's highly likely you've heard something about stem cells. They have been the subject of many headlines,

especially the debate between embryonic and adult stem cells. The reason why this debate rages is because of the potential stem cells offer to renew and repair the body.
Research studies have shown that adult stem cells can become any other type of cell in the body. An example of this from the home would be a special type of putty. If I had a problem with the walk way, we put some putty there and it becomes the walk way. If we have a hole in the wall and put a piece of putty in the hole, it becomes part of the wall. In the body, an adult stem cell in the kidney will become new kidney cells. In this regard, we have found a way to renew all the different types of cells in the body.
This discovery as created a huge interest from the scientific community into stem cell research. Researchers are well aware of the potential health benefits from stem cells and have focused their efforts on how best to utilize them.
At this point, there are three approaches. The first approach is embryonic stem cells. Highly controversial, embryonic stem cells are taken from the very early embryo called the blastula. The ethical considerations and the results from studies using them, make embryonic stem cells less than ideal.
The second approach is adult stem cells harvested from the patient's bone marrow over a period of weeks, which are then reinjected into the patient. These clinics operate in China, Mexico and Russia for example, and cost approximately $15,000 per injection of 1.5 million stem cells.
The third approach, which is by far the most sensible, ethical and cost-effective is to enhance the natural release of our own adult stem cells.
Adult stem cells are present in our bone marrow and are responsible for the renewal of our cells from the day we are born until the day we die. Similar to other functions in the body, this natural release slows down with age. If our body cannot repair itself, then we will not experience optimal health, it's as simple as that.
We know this process slows because In children, the bone marrow is red, but in adults, the bone marrow in the long limbs for example, is predominantly yellow as it has been displaced by fat deposits over time. Adults still have red bone marrow, but in fewer places.
Enhancing the release of our own adult stem cells then can give us a new boast to offer friends. Many people are happy to report the heart health of a 20 year old after a trip to the doctor, but now with the aid of an adult stem cell enhancer, we can re-experience the renewal system we had as a child.
This stem cell enhancer -- a concentrate of an aqua botanical named AFA (aphanizomenon flos-aquae) -- was tested in a double-blind, peer reviewed clinical study and proven to increase the number of circulating adult stem cells in the blood stream by 25%. This equates to between three to 4 million stem cells for the average person.
The health implications of this study significant and will make stem cell enhancers the new antioxidants. Just as vitamins were popular, herbs were popular and juices were popular, stem cell enhancers promise to be the next big health and wellness breakthrough of our times.