The Many Dangers Of Asbestos
Researchers have shown that asbestos are able to cause many health problems including colon cancer and lung disease. But they are still used to produce many things that we use everyday.
Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals that are used to produce certain things. It is chiefly utilized for materials that are utilized to build brakes for vehicles,

materials for building, and to help fight against corrosion and heat. This group includes; amosite, chrysotile, anthophyllite asbestos, tremolite asbestos, and actinolite asbestos. One or all of these have been modified in a chemical way before being used.
Researchers believe that they are dangerous to anybody who works with or close to them because the fibers from the asbestos are able to be inhaled. This can induce diseases of the lungs and other primary organs. Regrettably these severe diseases do not always appear until much later in life from the time when the people were exposed.
In some people it is able to force scar tissue to back up in their lungs and make it tough and virtually impossible to breathe. The fibers that have the ability to cause these problems are too small for people to see them without microscopes.
Who is at risk? People who smoke are at an increased danger of getting these problems. Also individuals who work un big industries and produce things that are made up of products utilizing it are at a great risk. Construction workers might also be exposed to high quantities of the fibers through the building materials that they utilize every day.
Besides the decrease in lung cancer several health experts think that asbestos has the ability to cause colon cancer. This is an on going study that has not been fully established - but numerous believe that it has the ability to be caused from drinking tap water and insulation utilized in the home. Statistics show that 26 out of 2,500 textile workers that used asbestos products died from colon cancer.