The Nature of Teeth Discoloration

Jan 17


Lynne Gabriel

Lynne Gabriel

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Teeth discoloration is brought about by several factors like transformations undergone by the tooth material and staining caused by food and beverage....

Teeth discoloration is brought about by several factors like transformations undergone by the tooth material and staining caused by food and beverage. People should understand the nature of the change in color in order to purchase the right teeth whitening product that could be used to deal with the problem. It is not recommended that one should make use of anything in order to whiten teeth. Any problem should be resolved while analyzing the root cause.

Discoloration can happen in three ways. if the staining occurs from the outside,The Nature of Teeth Discoloration Articles the problem is called extrinsic discoloration. This usually happens when the enamel is stained by food and beverages. Coffee, cola, wine and other liquids of such nature could ruin the teeth’s natural color. Smoking which is a source of nicotine could also bring about yellowish or brownish teeth color. This kind of staining can be remedied with home teeth whitening procedures using natural fruits and extracts including ingredients like baking soda and apple cider vinegar which can be mixed with toothpaste.

When the inner structure of the tooth is damaged with yellow tint, the discoloration is referred to as intrinsic discoloration. This is caused by so many factors like excessive ingestion of fluoride during childhood, tetracycline antibiotics during your mother’s second trimester of pregnancy, and a traumatic experience that hurt the tooth when you were a child. The latter could be a fall or a hard bump which damaged the roots of the tooth. Teeth whiteners like gel and cream would not actually make a great impact on this kind of damage because it should also be intrinsically treated.

The last kind of discoloration is the combination of both extrinsic and intrinsic wherein both the inner and outer structure of the teeth deteriorates with the passing of time. This kind of change is called age-related discoloration. The teeth succumb to ageing as the enamel thins down and the dentin weakens. The damage in the pulp would eventually be a difficult scenario to remedy. This is when the help of teeth care professionals should be availed of if you still want to maintain the natural look and color of the teeth.

Any teeth whitening product could help in the promotion of healthy white smile. It pays to take care of the teeth early on. People usually get into treatment when the teeth are already showing off stains and damage. Prevention is a must because once the permanent teeth are gone; nothing will get through to naturally replenish them. Dentures could be opted for but the disadvantages of dentures are vivid and uncomfortable.

Brushing, gargling, flossing and the use of teeth whiteners could all work for your oral health. You should do them all right according to your dentists’ advice in order to preserve your teeth. Cosmetic dentistry has now opened its doors towards the enhancement of your teeth and your entire personality. The effect is rewarding. Whenever you look into the mirror, certainly there will be no more hesitations and fear to be accepted because as you take care of your teeth, you also bring out the best in you.