The New Abdominoplasty - Smooth Tuck
A new form of abdominoplasty is getting surgeons and potential patients excited about the possibilities. It’s called the smooth tuck, and it involves removing fat along with loose skin around the midsection.
When summer rolls around,

everyone looks in the mirror to see what their pool or beach body is going to look like for the coming months. Unfortunately, few people like what they see looking back at them. While this is a common psychological issue, many people really do have problems that they could get taken care of. If the problem is loose skin from losing a lot of weight or a pregnancy, the answer could be an abdominoplasty. The great thing is, there are now new tummy tuck procedures that go beyond what was previously possible.
Traditionally, abdominoplasty is for those patients who have lost almost all of their target weight and simply want to get rid of the loose skin while tightening their midsections. The surgeon works with the muscle and the skin, and extra fat deposits can get in the way of a successful operation. Many patients are turned away or achieve results that are less than satisfactory because they are too overweight.
A new procedure known as the smooth tuck, however, is for those patients who are not at their ideal weight but would still like to get rid of their loose skin. The operation consists of not only cutting off the excess skin, but also removing a few liters of fat at the same time. However, the operation does not go down into the muscle wall for tightening and sewing, as it does in a traditional abdominoplasty.
Because their is no muscle repair involved in the procedure, patient recovery is much quicker and less painful. With a regular tummy tuck, patients are sometimes out of work for up to a month. With the smooth tuck procedure, they can often be back to work within a week and they can resume many of their normal activities in only three weeks. While no results can be labeled as typical, the average patient loses around ten pounds and three inches from the waistline, which can make a major difference in appearance.
Not only is this form of abdominoplasty better for overweight patients, it is usually cheaper than the full version. Some estimates have it at about $2,000 cheaper than a typical tummy tuck, which often runs in the neighborhood of $10,000. While the procedure is expected to catch on, it is so far only offered at a limited number of offices around the country. Patients who need to lose fat before having a traditional tummy tuck in other areas may choose to have liposuction beforehand.