From the desk of Dr Magne, author with Wallace Wattles of The Science of Being Well Home Study Course.
Most of us were taught that daydreaming was a waste of time and that we should concentrate our mental energies on the "here and now". Rarely is it mentioned that some of the greatest advancements in human history were the result of someone's daydream.
For instance, Albert Einstein worked out many of the details of his Special Theory of Relativity in daydreams. Thomas Edison would have never invented half of the things he did were it not for his active imagination and the daydreams he had about the possibilities that electricity held. Stephen King taps the power of his daydreams to create the immense stories for which he is so famous. In psychoanalysis, patients are healed in large part using a process of a directed daydream.
When we engage ourselves in daydreaming, there are a couple of things that happen. First of all, we generally allow our mind to shift focus away from the world around us and focus it specifically on the subject of our daydream. When our mind is focused intensely, there is an increase in the power of our thoughts.
In the intensity of mind that can be achieved by someone who is good at daydreaming, something else happens too. A doorway is opened between your mind and the mind of God.
When you open this doorway between your mind and the mind of God, you get a sensation of strength and assurance that everything will be okay. It's almost like you have grown in some way that makes you powerful and wise. Usually, you will also feel a sense of compassion and acceptance for the frailties of humanity.
There are several ways you can use the power of creative daydreaming to manifest health and fitness in your life.
You could ask for a guide in your creative daydream to take you to the future. Once there, you can pay attention to new techniques that you are not aware of, that can help you with your health and fitness.
If you are faced with a dilemma, you can go into a creative daydream and explore possible solutions to that problem. When working in a creative daydream, you can ask for an expert in this area to give you more information that you can use to solve your problem. This expert will usually show you what to do, and more importantly, explain why it works.
Creative daydreaming can be used to help reprogram your inner beliefs to aid in your attraction of greater prosperity. Beliefs are usually based on past experiences, but are sometimes based on the results of your imagination playing out various possibilities. In a creative daydream, you have the option to create your own experiences from which to form new beliefs. In this way, you can create 'memories' of a healthy life with increased vitality, and create a strong set of memories of being fit.
You can develop your ability to tap and direct Power to an incredible degree with the Science of Being Well Home study Course. You'll find that all aspects of your health and fitness improve when you practice the series of exercises that are contained in this awesome course.
In the Science of Being Well Home Study Course, you will find many examples and stories to help you develop your own powers of healing using simply the power of your mind. This is not revolutionary. These secrets have been around for ages. To learn more, claim your FREE report of the First Secret to Abundant Health on today!!
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From the desk of Dr Magne, author with Wallace Wattles of The Science of Being Well Home Study Course.Quantum Healing Author Reveals All
From the desk of Dr Magne, author with Wallace Wattles of The Science of Being Well Home Study Course.