The Role Of Skin Tag Size In Choosing A Treatment For Skin Tags
The skin tag condition can be an issue worth addressing or ignoring. Many people will desire to have the condition gone,depending the size of the tags and which part of the body they grow.
Many scientific and medical studies show that there is nothing to fear from skin tags,
particularly cancer. We sometimes tend to prefer to ignore the small growths when they appear on our skin. If they remain small, we can forget they-re there. But then we scramble to look for a skin tag treatment when the skin tags do not remain tiny and instead start growing. People will rush to get products that treat warts condition because the tags resemble that condition. But skin tags often come with a stalk, and their shapes and sizes vary, sometimes even growing as large as a grapefruit. Skin tags can grow in groups, clumped together. This makes them noticeable despite their tiny size.
Small skin tags are not really a great cause for concern. When they develop in parts of the body that are normally hidden from view, they can be completely ignored. Treating small tags is also a quick process especially when they are addressed at an early stage. At the first sign of these growths on the skin, proceed to a dermatologist or a skin doctor to get a prognosis on the condition. If the skin tags being removed are small, you won-t feel any pain at all. For people who have dealt with this condition before, they know which medication to use, or which natural remedies will work on the growths.
But there are people whose skin tag problems are not as simple. Many have to deal with skin tags that grow more sensitive and actually expand in size with the passage of time. The discomfort quickly turns to agony for some, particularly when the sensitive skin tags become exposed to constant friction and abrasion. But these skin tags can also start to bleed, especially when there is too much friction or abrasion. That bleeding could actually lead to further problems. What used to be harmless skin tags now become a cause for great worry. When this happens, you should make it a point to get proper and immediate treatment for it. Slacking off on it would be inviting further risks of infections.
The bleeding would be the first thing that the dermatologist would have to address when presented with this problem. The choice of skin tag treatment would be greatly influenced by the dimensions or the size of the skin tags that will be treated. If the part of the body is warm and often covered and sheltered, the skin tags would be larger. The exposed parts of the skin where it is cool and well-ventilated would have smaller tags growing on them. Put a lot of thought into choosing your treatment since the skin tags could be found in parts of the body that would require special care like, for example, skin tags appearing in the area around the anus and the armpits, where friction is constant.
Skin tags in these areas are often treated using the procedure known as cauterization. This method uses a hot metal placed on the tag that burns them off. Despite some pain involved in this process, it has the added advantage of ensuring the tags will not grow back. The risk of infections is also very low. Another alternative treatment is freezing. It, however, has the disadvantage of being quite expensive. Another equally effective option is the Lasik skin tag treatment.