The Secret To A Natural Hemorrhoid Treatment
Many hemorrhoid patients depend solely on doctors’ prescriptions in treating hemorrhoid. Undoubtedly the doctors’ medicines are essential, however, you can actually heal yourself by using natural products. For a speedy and low-cost recovery, you should try natural hemorrhoid treatment.
Hemorrhoid usually comes with hemorrhoid bleeding,
itching, burning and pain. These result in the difficulties in passing bowel movement. Thus, going to the toilet is always considered as a torturous activity.
To overcome this, you should try natural hemorrhoid treatment where you must have high fiber fruits as well as vegetables in your diet. Apples, bananas, guava, oranges, avocado, beans and broccoli, to name a few, should be consumed frequently so you can use the toilet in contentment.
In treating hemorrhoid naturally, the main priority goes to treating the blood veins which would surely become swollen. For this, you need certain herbs like butcher’s broom, witch hazel and pilewort.
Butchers’ broom is widely known for having ruscogenin which is a significant element in healing the swelling of veins.
Whereas, witch hazel has the ability to stop the bleeding caused by the bloated veins. You can get the cream of witch hazel from the pharmacies and apply it gently around the anus every 8 hours to get the desired result.
Pilewort is believed to have the power of controlling the veins, hence ceases bleeding. You can drink it like tea or u can extract liquid from it and spread over the area around your anus.
Apart from those herbs, another important product in natural hemorrhoid treatment is the plant called aloe vera.
You can use its gel to treat the wounded area around the anus or you can turn it into drinks and have it as your daily juices. Both ways shall heal you from the bleeding, itching, burning and pain.
Berries, cherries and grape seeds should also be consumed in order to nurse hemorrhoid. They have anthocyanins and proanthocyanins which are highly needed in curing inflated veins. Therefore, the next time you go to the supermarket, make sure you bag some blueberries, strawberries and blackberries.
Obviously and undoubtedly, natural hemorrhoid treatment is the easiest and cheapest way to heal yourself from the hemorrhoid symptoms. Give it a try and you will be happy with some extra money!