Dr. Crawford lists and explains the ten steps he recommends to lose weight, live a healthier life, and improve one's chances against developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. The foundation for his recommendation is adopting a plant-based diet with more frequent eating habits and daily exericise.
Start eating and living this way and you will not only lose weight, but you will reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, the aging process, and you will become more healthy, fit and alert. You WILL lose weight and be healthier and happier all at the same time!Ten Steps. This is all you need! Sad isn’t it. But it is the truth.
1. WATER! Drink plenty of water; at least 64 oz/day. If you hate water like so many of my patients do, “spice it up” with lime or lemon. You can buy the squirt bottles of the lime or lemon juice at the grocery store. Hydrate those cells, flush away the toxins, and give your stomach the feeling that it is full. You will eat less as a result.
2. MOVE! Stay off of your butt as much as possible! You burn more calories just standing than sitting. Stand and walk as much as you can. Walk, walk, walk!3. GRAZE! Eat more often. Keep your “good” snacks at your disposal during the day. We were NOT meant to eat two to three large meals a day.
4. Eat primarily a plant-based diet with plenty of “colorful” fruits and vegetables. Eat at least “a handful” of nuts/day. Try to eliminate or greatly cut down on dairy and substitute soy or rice milk.
5. AVOID fried foods, breads, cakes, bagels, cookies, muffins, and other “simple carbs” except for a special occasion like a birthday or special social gathering.
6. Eat cold water fish (salmon, tuna, halibut) at least 2-3 times/week and use the fish, beans, and lentils as your main protein source.
7. Eat LEAN cuts of meat (red meats SPARINGLY—not more than a couple of times/week).
8. Eliminate soda pop; YES, even DIET soda!
9. Eat a bedtime snack if you need, but stick to one of the recommended snacks like fruit, nuts, carrots, berries, or low fat popcorn.
10. Eliminate or greatly cut down on your caffeine intake. Another problem in our society is SLEEPING difficulties; many of which could be eliminated if we eliminated this drug!WHAT I DO. My patients commonly ask me what I do with regards to diet & exercise. Well, here it is.
Here is a “typical day”. I get up and walk my dog every morning 20-30 minutes. I do a 15 minute workout on my Total Gym in my garage at least 2-3 times/week to work my upper body. My breakfast consists of a bowl of cereal or oatmeal with some fruit like a banana, peaches, blueberries, grapes, or strawberries. I keep healthy snacks at my desk at work at all times or in the refrigerator if they need to be kept cold. I get hungry at various times during the day and THE BEST thing that curbs my appetite is mixed nuts that I keep in my drawer. A handful of them completely takes care of the cravings and is good for you with low calories, plenty of fiber, and healthy omega 3 fatty acids. Two items that I keep in the refrigerator are small carrots (the small little washed ones in a bag), and apples. I have water at my desk at all times. I am a physician and am on my feet a lot going from room to room seeing patients, but I also try to take a 10-15 minute walk at lunch as well. When I get home, I do a few chores around the house and eat a sensible dinner MOST of the time like grilled chicken or salmon with a salad. I DO like to dine out and do splurge at times with a good steak or perhaps a chimichanga from one of my favorite Mexican restaurants. I very RARELY have dessert unless it is at an important family or social function and it perhaps would offend the host if I didn’t at least try it.
There you have it. I hope you have found this helpful and can use this information to start living a healthier life today!
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