Many people have used acupuncture to unwind and eventually sharpen their physical and mental health. However, its lack of conclusive research raises the red flag for the skeptics. Is this form of alternative medicine truly safe?
There is only one place in this world that we can directly associate acupuncture with – China. According to research, this, along with moxibustion (the burning of moxa on or near a person’s are the first of the country’s practices when it comes to medicine. Its date of origin is still under debate; but as of present time, it is believed to have existed from about 100 BC.
Acupuncture is a form of alternative medicine that involves the insertion of thin needles on various parts of the body called “acupuncture points.” This relaxing treatment is highly preferred by those who have a greater fate on the effectivity of alternative medicine than modern-day science.
Because of its invasive process, those who are trying to get a hold of its potency have difficulties in terms of determining its actual efficacy. However, with the constant effort of researchers who are trying to understand what acupuncture truly does to our bodies, an article from Nature Review 2 years ago suggested that a placebo acupuncture service has the same effect as the actual acupuncture itself, even noting that in some cases, the placebo treatment did even better.
This practice also has a lot of side effects listed to it. Some and good, and some are bad; but none of it are life-threatening though. Acupuncturistssay that you have nothing to worry about the bad effects that you experience after the whole process. These effects do not really last long, and they’re completely normal. Many have reported that after participating in the procedure, they have felt worse first before finally experiencing the extremely good effects of acupuncture - referring to the whole process as a healing crisis. These people said to have experienced the following:
The good effects (that act like dominoes) are definitely the ones worth looking forward to. These include:
Up to this day, the truth about acupuncture still remains in question. Is it all in the mind? Are the effects plainly psychological? If so, why do many people swear by its results?
One thing’s for sure - despite its lack of conclusive research, acupuncture still remains as one of alternative medicine’s most sought-after treatments.