The Typical Optical Lab Offers Anti-Reflection Coating
One way an optical lab can improve your glasses is to add anti-reflective coating. Find out the main benefits of this option.
If you are getting new glasses,

be sure to ask your eye doctor to have the optical lab put an anti-reflective coating on them. This is a rather popular option for glasses, yet it needs to be requested most of the time since it is considered extra. Learn some of the benefits of this choice before you ask your doctor for it.
The most obvious benefit of anti-reflective coating is that it does not reflect light nearly as much as the lenses usually do. This means there will be no glare when people look right at you near sources of light. The main benefit here is that when people take photos of you with the flash, there will be no blinding glare. This can allow people to actually see your face in pictures, rather than the bright reflection of the flash over your eyes. Therefore, if you frequently get pictures taken, or simply want to look your best in photos, it is a good idea to get this coating added. Fortunately, most optical lab employees are experts at this.
An added benefit of the anti-reflection coat is that it will barely look like you are wearing glasses from far away. This is because each lens will look quite clear, even when there is a camera flash or bright lights in general. If you prefer to keep your eyewear practically invisible, especially in pictures, it is wise to get each lens coated. The typical optical lab is happy to provide this extra option.
Another advantage is that your glasses are less likely to be scratched when they have this coating added to them. It can protect the lenses so that you eyewear lasts longer than you might expect. If you are tired of wearing glasses that you can barely see out of after a few years despite your vision not changing for the worse, you should get the lenses coated so they are less likely to get scratched over time. This is a great way to protect your investment while ensuring you can see clearly.
Keep in mind that you will likely have to pay extra for this option. Some vision insurance plans cover at least some of the cost since it can protect the eyewear from scratches, but you should be prepared to pay the entire cost of the coat just in case. For most people, though, it is an affordable option that is worth every penny spent. Ask your eye doctor if the optical lab he or she uses offers anti-reflection coatings.