In The Ultimate Rotator Cuff Training Guide Brian Schiff, PT has combined practical clinical experience working with shoulder patients with evidenced-based research in developing a sound intervention that will produce results.
I have been a physical therapist for 17 years specializing in the treatment of musculoskeletal/orthopedic pathology. Over the years I have treated countless patients with shoulder related pain due to a number of different pathologies including bursitis, tendonitis, adhesive capsulitis, impingement syndrome, AC joint problems, dislocations and general muscle weakness and imbalances. What this means is that I have a great deal of experience in this area.
Shoulder pathology is not often easily treated for a variety of reasons and patients don’t always recover quickly or fully, also for a variety of reasons. My experience has shown me that a person with shoulder pathology is likely to improve or has a greater chance of improvement if they follow the treatment advice of an expert in the field with a proven system of intervention that has shown results over the years.
The Ultimate Rotator Cuff Training Guide is such a system. Brian Schiff, PT has done an outstanding job in compiling this collective work of his knowledge and experience in treating patients with shoulder pathology. His years of applying the exercises and techniques found in his eBook have allowed him to create an effective, simple to apply and useful strategy for patients with acute or chronic shoulder pain. The strategy outlined in his book can be applied to a variety of pathologies causing pain in the shoulder region and they are equally effective in a variety of situations.
This work is well written and easy to read. It is very informative and full of useful tips and suggestions to alleviate shoulder pain and then to maintain that recovery once it is achieved. He includes several descriptions and photographs that detail all of the exercises outlined in the program, making it very easy to use and replicate.
There are several aspects of the book that are notable and one in particular is Brian’s ability to point out common exercise mistakes that patient’s make that may put the rotator cuff at risk of injury. He also does a great job in teaching his readers how to modify these exercises so they can be performed correctly without risk of injury or reinjury.
In The Ultimate Rotator Cuff Training Guide Brian Schiff, PT has combined practical clinical experience working with shoulder patients with evidenced-based research in developing a sound intervention that will produce results. I’ve treated 100’s of shoulder patients over several years as a Physical Therapist. It is nice to have that collective knowledge summarized and compiled into an easy to use and effective system that can be applied to any of my patients with shoulder pathology. I recommend this work to anyone suffering from shoulder pain and to medical and fitness professionals that treat patients with shoulder pathology.
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