Orlistat is currently the only one non-prescription diet pill in the world, more than 40 million peopple take it to lose weight successfully. It is the hottest weight-losing product.
Orlistat is a potent and long-acting specificity gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor, by directly blocking the body absorb dietary fat to effectively lose weight. Once the energy and fat intake is less than consumption, the body fat will be naturally reduced, so as to achieve the purpose of weight loss.
Orlistat, a new synthetic lipid-lowering diet drugs have been available! It is possible to suppress the lipase fat activity of the gastrointestinal tract, prevent the food's fat hydrolyzed into free fatty acids and monoacylglycerols that can be absorbed by the body, reduce the body's calorie intaking, continuous cleaning the accumulated body fat 24 hours, making it easy to lose weight. Orlistat can long-term control weight (weight loss, weight maintenance and prevent rebound). Taking an orlistat in every meal or one hour after meals, without pain dieting, without sweating, you can have light posture, healthy body. In Korea, Japan, United Kingdom, there are more than 70% of adults have the habit of regular cleaning body fat, cleaning fat has become an essential part of their lives!
Other weight loss products primarily through dehydration, suppress appetite, burn fat and other means to lose weight, while orlistat is achieved by reducing the absorption of dietary fat to lose weight and stay in shape, do not act on the human central nervous system. By inhibiting absorb 30% of food fat, from the source to reduce intaking fat, created a new way to lose weight. Compared with other weight loss products, orlistat has been applied in the international clinical application for a long time, safety was confirmed, unlike most weight loss products that appear diarrhea, dry mouth, palpitation and a series of adverse reactions. Orlistat has changed the traditional weight loss way, without painful taking experience, make weight loss and stay in shape became a no burden process. And Orlistat belongs to non-prescription drug products, with more secure.
However, taking orlistat can also cause a lot of side effects, mainly cause gastrointestinal adverse reactions, it is related to the pharmacological effects of the drug blocks the absorption of fat intake. Common adverse reactions have: oily spotting, gastrointestinal exhaust increased, sense of urgency stool, fat (oil) nature stool, steatorrhea ,stool frequency and fecal incontinence. Usually taking orlistat tends to occur acute gastrointestinal reactions like: abdominal pain or discomfort, flatulence, watery stools, soft stools, rectal pain or rectal discomfort, tooth discomfort, gingiva discomfort. Other rare adverse events have: upper respiratory tract infection, lower respiratory tract infection, influenza, headache, menstrual disorders, anxiety, fatigue, urinary tract infection. Sometimes have reports of allergy to the product. The main clinical manifestations are itching, rash, urticaria, angioneurotic edema and anaphylaxis, occurred herpes is very rare.
Pharmaceutical raw materials suppliers remind that: match with low-fat diet, reasonable exercise in the period of taking orlistat, the effect is more obvious. After achieved the ideal body weight, insist on taking the machine for a period to consolidate the results. For healthy, we must under the guidance of the doctor or pharmacist. While frequently accept follow-up visit, in order to make doctor understanding the patient's medication for the first time.
Article Source:http://www.cospcn.com
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