Therapeutic treatments by physiotherapists
Physiotherapists can administer many therapeutic treatments to help people suffering from a variety of health conditions.
The rigours of corporate lifestyle has taken a toll on many executives. Spending long hours in front of the computer,
sitting with poor posture and lack of exercise can often cause lead to pain and discomfort. Physiotherapists in Tralee have the knowledge and therapeutic healing techniques to correct posture and promote recovery. Many Physiotherapists in Killarney specialise in treating these work-related conditions, and should be consulted whenever the need be.
Therapeutic techniques applied by physiotherapists:
Physiotherapists in Tralee are extremely knowledgeable about the human anatomy and know which technique to apply in order to make the patient feel better. The physiotherapists in Killarney offer a variety of massage techniques like:
- Deep tissue massage: This is very effective in releasing muscular tension by working on damaged and strained muscles directly. The massage is delivered by physiotherapists in Killarney using massage oil, and aims to improve the circulation of blood and supply of oxygen and nutrients to the damaged tissue. This helps to reduce the pain and promote recovery. Different pressures are used depending on the patient’s condition and tolerance.
- Remedial massage: Remedial massage is very effective in aiding repair of damaged muscles and tendons. Remedial massage by the physiotherapist in Tralee is used to locate and treat the original source of the damage and work with the body’s own healing powers, fascilitating the body to heal itself. Here also, oil is used to deliver the massage. This again improves blood supply, aiding removal of toxic waste products built up by overuse etc. Once this happens the damaged tissues can start rejuvenating themselves, returning to full normality over time.
- Myofascial Release:One common problem that the corporate executives in Killarney suffer from is pain in their upper body, particularly in the neck, back and shoulder areas. Myofascial release of these areas helps to relax the stressed muscles, improving mobilityand reducing pain and discomfort.
- Soft tissue treatment:This is a treatment aimed at promoting repair of injured soft tissue. The physiotherapist in Tralee assesses the injury and level/type of pain caused by the soft tissue dysfunction, applying the appropriate treatment to manage the ailment. Soft tissue damage due to Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) has become common nowadays. Soft tissue treatment may involve the use of massage, cross fibre friction etc.
Other therapeutic treatments
Apart from the above, physiotherapists in Tralee offer a variety of other therapeutic treatments. These include:
- Postural retraining: Aimed at building awareness about the importance of correct posture and providing an exercise program to help with same in their Killarney clinic.
- Trigger point release treatments:Trigger points in the muscle are treated by use of dry needling, friction, acupressure etc. Trigger points can cause pain directly in the area in which they exist or refer pain distally along a nerve path.
- Neuro-dynamic techniques:These are non-invasive treatment methods used in the treatment of nerve disorders.
- Joint mobilisations:These help in restoring the mobility of joints which was been damaged due to an accident, misuse or in a postoperative setting.
By using all these techniques, physiotherapists in Killarney play a major role in restoring the health of the patients.