Things You Should Probably Know Before Getting Your Breast Augmentation

Dec 28


Andrew Stratton

Andrew Stratton

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Breast augmentation gives women a wonderful way to remake their bodies any way they want them. However, there are a few things you should know about this procedure before you get it done. Discover what these considerations are in this article.

Getting a breast augmentation is a very exciting experience and it will finally give you the breast size that you've always wanted. However,Things You Should Probably Know Before Getting Your Breast Augmentation Articles there are certain aspects of this form of plastic surgery that you'll have to be aware of. Once you know about the pros and cons of this surgery, and the steps you need to ensure that your breasts remain in great condition throughout your life, you can make a sound decision about whether you want to do it or not.

Replacing Old Implants

Once you've chosen to have a breast augmentation procedure, you might assume that you'll never have to go through it again, especially if the surgery went well and there were no complications. This, however, is not always the case. These implants generally wear down after a while and the longer you have them, the higher the chances are that you will need to replace them.

Complications During And After The Procedure

The breast augmentation might go well but this doesn't mean that you won't experience complications later on in life. Over time, as implants begin to age, complications such as infections, ruptures, scarring and asymmetry can occur and when this happens, you'll have to see your doctor immediately and possibly have the implants removed and replaced. Due to the risk of complications later on in life, you will need to constantly check your breasts for changes that might indicate a problem and ensure that you contact a medical professional the moment you find something out of the ordinary.

MRI scans are recommended for women who have silicone-filled implants and these scans should begin about 3 years after the initial surgery and every 2 years after that. The reason why medical professionals recommend these MRI scans is because the implants are vulnerable to "silent ruptures" which could be harmful but do not present any outward signs of the problem. The only way for you to discover that this problem exists is to get one of these scans and have your implants assessed.

Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma

Those that choose to have a breast augmentation have a slightly higher risk of developing anaplastic large cell lymphoma, and this needs to be taken into consideration when the choice is made to have the implants inserted. Although this is not a form of breast cancer, patients will still need to undergo treatments that include radiation.

Weighing all the Pros and Cons

While most of these procedures are completed without any difficulty, and most women enjoy their new breasts for many years without experienced any problems, it is always a good idea to be aware of all the risks involved in breast augmentation. A lot of it depends on finding the right plastic surgeon to do your work. They can instruct you on how to take the right precautionary measures later on in life to protect yourself and make the most out of your new body for many years to come.