Things Your Plastic Surgeon Will Never Tell You
You shouldn't believe everything you read or hear about a potential plastic surgeon, including both good and bad. Sorting through available information can be complicated but is necessary in order to narrow down your choices.
When looking for a plastic surgeon,

it is important to carefully filter any information you receive during your search. The information about cosmetic procedures the average person has access to is watered down for easier consumption. The problem is that much of the information has become distorted or is plain inaccurate due to marketing techniques, misunderstandings, and rumors. However, you don't have to subscribe to a medical digest in order to undergo breast augmentation.
While the Internet is a valuable resource and has a wealth of easily accessible information, there is just as much junk for users to filter through. You should only use information sourced online as a rough guideline. Plastic surgeon websites generally don't have a lot of meat, but can provide enough information and photos to help you narrow down consultation picks. Message boards and review sites are also popular among potential patients, but these can also be laden with fake users. Unscrupulous doctors may write false positive reviews, spamming several popular pages with the information to build up a reputation. There's also a disproportionate amount of dissatisfied posters, as people who have negative experiences are more likely to spend their time seeking revenge via chat rooms or forums.
The old adage "photos don't lie" isn't relative in a world dominated by photo touchups and airbrushing. While the majority of board certified professionals would never touch up the after photos listed on their websites, they will certainly cherry pick the best. They want only the top examples to represent a very large body of work, which while understandable from a marketing point of view, is not so helpful for the future patient. Don't trust a handful of photos. Seek out a consultation and get your hands on dozens of shots that represent a wider spectrum of work, good, mediocre, and even bad. No plastic surgeon is without flaws or some poor judgment. Your job is to find one that you feel is the best regardless of any shortcomings.
Trends are just as popular in the cosmetic world as they are in Hollywood. In fact, any plastic surgeon that wants to compete in major markets such as New York or California will have a publicity agent working on their behalf. The sudden surge of interest in one particular practice is likely the result of an advertising campaign. That doesn't mean that heavily promoted offices don't offer high quality work, but they simply aren't the only skilled professionals in the field. Don't limit yourself to the big names in the press.