As well intending as these people may be: whether you see them shaking tins, collecting money, or working in resident shops or any other campaign, the truth of the matter is most cancer charities are a scam...
As well intending as these people may be: whether you see them shaking tins, collecting money, or working in resident shops or any other campaign, the truth of the matter is most cancer charities are a scam.
Basically, the money collected from the charities goes to the pharmaceutical establishment, who have no intention of finding the cure for cancer. An example that shows this to be true can be found in the history of cancer research in the USA. In the early seventies, the US government declared 'a war on cancer'. The result of this was a roughly thirty-four-fold billion-dollar increase in cancer research over thirty years. The result was by the beginning of the next millennia was a seventeen-fold increase in cancer incidence. The spelling out of this awful situation can be summarised with a simple equation:
More research = More cancer!
Following diagnosis, actress Christina Applegate has given the go-ahead for both of her breasts to be surgically removed, believing that this is the solution to preventing her cancer.
Indeed, there are many women in this all-to-frequent situation making the same decision. Quite naturally, trauma and other psychological implications have to be taken into account and how it will affect a woman when considering these organs have been closely related to her identity.
However, whether it's the loss of both breasts or any other organs, for both sexes diagnosed with cancers, doctors will not give too much thought about removal: And like the pharmaceutical approach, surgery is very big business and what the doctor won't tell you is that there are highly effective, cheap, natural and non-toxic methods available that can cure before the pharmaceutical or surgical approach is chosen. And it mustn't be forgotten that cancer is a whole body affected illness: Even though an operation can remove the tumour, the cancer may manifest again.
If I was diagnosed with cancer, the only time that I would accept an operation is when it would be needed as an emergency response: For example, it could be quite effective to have an emergency operation to remove a tumour because it is blocking, say, some vital flow from a duct or blood vessel...
For anyone reading, who is in the above situation, or knows of anybody, I implore you to pass this information on. The information given here and an investigative follow-up in light of this, that most cancer charities are a scam and there highly effective cheap, natural and non-toxic methods that may cure, could just save lives!
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