Thinking About Breast Implants?
Are you thinking about breast implants? There's a lot to weigh, so read this short guide first.
There are many reasons why some women may consider breast implants. The most common reason for wanting them is simply size. A number of women feel that their breasts are too small and breast implants are the only way to get a larger bust. Other reasons for getting implants are weight loss,

breast shape, breast asymmetery and following a mastectomy. Many women are self-conscious about their bodies and those insecurities can take a toll on their self-esteem.
Although breast implants are fairly common and safe, there are a lot of factors to think about. After all, it is a major medical operation. Listed below are just a few things that should be considered.
Choosing a Cosmetic Surgeon:
Do plenty of research before making a decision. If you know someone who has had breast implants, ask them who they went to and if they would recommend the same surgeon. Search online to read reviews from past patients. Check their credentials and see if there has been any complaints.
Many things can go wrong during and after this procedure. The complications that can occur are numerous. First of all, infection can occur on the incision site or within the breast near the implant. Scarring can form around the implant and make the breast hard and painful. There is a chance that the breast implant can rupture as well. So, while making the final decision, learn more about possible risks in order to be fully prepared.
Silicone or saline? They are both approved by the FDA. With silicone breast implants, the incision size will be slightly larger but looks and feels softer and more natural. Discuss the pros and cons of both types and pick the one you feel most comfortable with.
You will have the option to have the implants placed above the pectoralis muscle or under the muscle. Discussions between you and your surgeon will be helpful as well but the decision to go above or below is all yours.
The size of the breast implants will depend on your anatomy, original breast size and shape. Also, take into consideration the size of your body (height and weight) and body proportion. To help with the decision making, during the consultation, you will have the opportunity to try on different sizes. It is important to learn about all of the facts about breast implants! Read, research and ask lots of questions.