Three Super-Easy Back Acne Remedy Options to Kill Your Back Acne Today

Aug 18


Harley Molina

Harley Molina

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Are you sick of leaning back in your chair and accidentally bumping a cyst on your back? How about bumping ten cysts on your back all at the same time? I've been there, done that, and it's no fun. That's why I spent hours of my time looking for a back acne remedy to fix the big, swelling, nasty zits and cysts on my back.

It's not easy to find a back acne remedy.  Unlike facial acne,Three Super-Easy Back Acne Remedy Options to Kill Your Back Acne Today Articles it's harder to fix back acne because so many products will stain your sheets, pajamas, and clothing if you put it on your back.  Thus, you sometimes have to opt for different ways of treating your back acne, which means you might need to look into different products and treatments than you'd ordinarily use on your face.There are a couple of back acne remedy options you can choose from that I have used myself and found quite effective in clearing up cysts and painful acne on my back.1. Chemical peel: Most chemical peels are not very expensive.  Most dermatologists suggest 4 treatments, but depending on the severity of your acne, you might only need one or two.  Mine both cost me $60 apiece, and it has lasted for over a year now.  I've had some breakouts since, but nothing near as painful or ugly as I used to suffer from.2. Salicylic acid: Clinique sells a product called Clinique Acne Solutions Body Treatment Spray containing 2% salicylic acid.  This was a lifesaver for my chest and back when I was having issues with uncontrollable acne breakouts.  It's also great for those little tiny zits that break out in droves and never go away.3. Acne diet: Sometimes when you can't get external products to work on your acne, you need to start working from the inside out.  Going on a short acne diet is often the way to produce great results.  Sometimes it's just a matter of adding the right foods and supplements to your diet, and sometimes it's a matter of knowing which foods to cut out.  It doesn't have to be permanent, it just needs to work long enough to start getting rid of problem acne.