There are many techniques to help you manage multiple chronic pain conditions. The best option is to rely on professional pain management solutions.
Pain can make everyday living (at the home and workplace) difficult and even affect relationships. Chronic pain is that which persists. It is usually the result of a mishap or medical condition and continues even after the usual healing phase of an ailment. Headaches,

pain of the lower back, that are caused by cancer, arthritis, damage to the nerves and that related to psychogenic (mental) factors are examples. It can be very distressful for the patient. This article offers tips on how to manage multiple chronic pain conditions.
Useful Techniques
The techniques outlined below are useful in managing pain:
Relaxation – The body’s automatic response to the condition often incorporates reflexive tensing. This makes you incapable of relaxing the specific site of the ache and therefore enhances muscle tension in these loci. You have to learn to deliberately relax the affected muscles, thereby facilitating modulation and management of the condition without increasing the dosage of your medication.
TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) Unit – A word of caution first. TENS does not work well for all sufferers of this condition. TENS involves the placement of sticky electrodes on the skin surrounding the painful area. On switching on the TENS unit, a light current is delivered by way of the electrodes to the skin and the tissues that lie just underneath. Half an hour of TENS treatment offers many hours of complete or considerable relief from the chronic pain.
Become member of a support group – You would feel less alone if you were with other people who are suffering from a problem similar to yours. You can also learn a lot about coping strategies from the members of your support group.
Reduce stress – Relax and listen to calm, soothing music to reduce psychological stress which may be at the root of your problem.
External Distracting/Focusing – You have to train yourself to shift and direct your focus of attention favorably so as to minimize your aches.
Eat Healthy – A well-balanced diet has its own set of benefits – aiding digestion, controlling blood sugar levels, controlling weight, and minimizing the risk of heart disease.
Adopt Correct/Suitable Sitting and Sleeping Positions – Consult a pain management specialist about favorable sitting and sleeping positions for your shoulder, pelvis, knees, lower back, ribs, hips, or neck aches.
Advisable to Seek Professional Help
If the chronic pain is too difficult to handle, it is advisable to seek professional help for pain treatment. Professional pain management focuses on helping you reduce your suffering and improve the quality of life. You can begin by approaching your primary care physician. After evaluation, you would be probably referred to a specialist. Professional centers offer various solutions that include:
• Exercise
• Administration of analgesics, NSAIDs, narcotic medications, muscle relaxants, and anti-convulsants and antidepressants
• Chiropractic treatment
• Radiofrequency radio ablation
• Surgically implanted electrotherapy devices
• Prolotherapy
• Injections
Other options open to you are acupuncture, hydrotherapy, cold/heat, acupressure, massage therapy, visual imagery, and stretching.
Working along with your doctor and following these tips on how to manage multiple chronic pain would definitely help you achieve relief.