Tired Symptoms – Your Body Is Trying To Let You In On A Secret…
A look at the common symptoms of tiredness and what your body is trying to tell you...
To start out,

I’m going to rattle off a bunch of symptoms usually associated with tiredness, and I want you to take note of any that resonate with you personally (especially those that you experience on a daily basis). Drowsiness, itchy eyes, eyes that are hard to keep open, lethargy, lack of motivation or drive to do anything, trouble waking up in the morning, chronic headaches, chronic stomach aches, and decreased productivity. Most people have experienced many of these factors throughout their lives, and some even have the misfortune of seeing them on a daily basis. Personally, I struggled with tired symptoms and chronic fatigue for a long time before I made any moves towards a solution. While I can tell you that there are many things to help improve energy level and reduce tiredness, they aren’t always in the form you’d expect them to be in. For example, misconceptions about length and quality of sleep have lead people to damage their health when they in fact think they are on the right track.Let’s look at sleep as an example of one of the common ways people address tiredness. Many people think that sleep is something that should be quantified in a lump sum. We talk about not getting enough sleep or even getting too much sleep, but rarely do we think of it in anything other than solid hours. Unfortunately, sleep SHOULD be discussed in cycles. Sleep cycles consist of the body going through all 5 stages of sleep. From the “I’m just dozing off” to the highly restorative rapid eye movement (or REM) sleep. These cycles come in 90 minute chunks, hereafter referred to as a “sleep cycle”. Many of the recommended sleeping amounts you’ll see are 8 to 10 hours, even though these two amounts are fatally flawed. Because they represent hour amounts not divisible by 1.5 sleeping for these amounts will leave you tired because you’ll be waking up in the MIDDLE of an unfinished sleep cycle. This is why someone sleeping 6 hours (4 complete sleep cycles) can feel more energized that someone who slept 8 hours and woke up in the middle of one.Most people never realize how much tiredness was affecting their lives until they experience life without it. In order to help you eliminate feelings of tiredness and get more energy I’ve created 2 easy steps you can follow at always feeling tired. More info on tiredness at Tiredness Symptoms.