Top Acne Facials for Your Face

Sep 28


Harley Molina

Harley Molina

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When you're trying to get rid of your acne quick, one great way you can relieve the pain, redness, itching, and swelling is by applying acne facials. And not just any facials - you'll need just the right ones to keep your skin from getting worse. As a general rule, you'll want to avoid facials with alcohol and other harsh astringents in them. Here's some of the best acne facial options for your skin.

1. Orange peel: Mix up a paste of one tablespoon orange peel and one tablespoon water.  Apply it to your face,Top Acne Facials for Your Face Articles let it dry for 10-15 minutes, and rinse it off with warm water.  You can also use this on other parts of your body that are suffering from acne, including your back and chest. 2. Aloe vera: It's not much of a facial, but when you need something quick, aloe vera does the trick.  Just slather some aloe vera gel from the fridge onto your face and let it dry.  You don't need to rinse it off; in fact, you can sleep with it on if you want. 3. Proactiv sulfur treatment: If you use the Proactiv solution, you probably received the sulfur treatment with the package.  If not, you can order it right from Proactiv.  Then, apply a squeeze of sulfur lotion on your finger and smear it on top of the zits.  Don't cover your entire face, though; just apply it where needed.  Rinse it off before 15 minutes' time, otherwise you'll dry your skin to the point of flakes. 4. SkinMedica: The SkinMedica Acne Treatment System is one of the best acne facials ever.  With three products (cleanser, toner, and lotion), you get an all-around facial morning and night without needing to use extra products.

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