Top Three Best Body Acne Treatment Methods for Your Acne

Sep 13


Harley Molina

Harley Molina

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It's bad enough to suffer from acne on your face, but when it spreads to the rest of your body, it can be a royal pain. It is not uncommon for teens and adults alike to experience body acne on their face, back, chest, arms, and even a few other places we'd rather not mention. And while this is perfectly normal, it doesn't have to be tolerated. There are body acne treatment methods that can stimulate the elimination of body acne.

I have found these three body acne treatment methods to be some of the most successful ones I've used.

1. Chemical peels: You don't have to use a harsh chemical peel if you only suffer from mild acne.  There are several levels of chemical peels depending on the exact severity of your acne.  Your dermatologist is usually the one best qualified to determine what chemical level your skin needs. 

Usually these treatments aren't very expensive.  You can expect to pay around $60-$70 per treatment,Top Three Best Body Acne Treatment Methods for Your Acne Articles and you don't need them very often.

2. Salicylic acid body spray: I use a salicylic acid body spray from Clinique that takes care of back acne cysts and tiny chest bumps (and big ones, too).  It is also effective on your arms.  However, it should not be used on your face, as it will be too harsh.

I don't have to pay more than $25 for one bottle of salicylic acid spray, and it lasts a long time.  Usually it costs less than that.

3. Body acne diet: One of the best body acne treatments I know of is the body acne diet.  Since you can't always just buy product after product and expect it to work immediately on body acne (especially in places where these products can't go), an acne diet is oftentimes exactly what you need.